What you focus on … expands
Where are you putting your attention?
There is a thing about gratitude that can have an effect on your future. When you are grateful for something that is already in your life, you are putting your attention on what you are grateful for. By putting your attention on what has already been created, even though it is already here, it primes your future for more of the same. It is like you are ordering more of that thing.
Likewise, when you are putting your attention on what you don’t want and having it elicit an emotional response, you are solidifying it in your future. It might seem that you are just and worthy to have a vile hatred of something that is horrible. Certainly this planet has plenty of horrific things happening on it. But what the hell?
There is a recorder of sorts, running within your persona. An energetic recorder. It records your energy in it. Your energy that is coming from your mind, and thus your emotions. At least until you become aware of the mechanism. Unchecked, we can take on karmic habits that are loading up our psyche, even though we consider ourselves spiritual. Perhaps very spiritual. Left unchecked, these karmic habits can metaphorically load us up with stronger and stronger karmic propensities. Even though we attend our yoga classes every day. Even though we do our daily meditations. All of that just might fly out the window when we see the latest news report.
What we are “seeing” both individually, and thus collectively too, is an impersonal reflection of ourselves. When we hold hate, perhaps justifiable hate, we are holding hate. Period. It can be a bit of a leap to break the cycle. The cycle of seeing things in our culture that are repulsive, or worse. But the key thing to understand, is the release of all of that energy from your own psyche. As “reality” is a reflection of our consciousness from the quantum mirror, it would serve us well to pay attention to our own reflection. Because all lasting effect comes from within.
It isn’t that we should stick our heads in the sand. And hide from whatever is happening. But rather, pay attention to your own energy, your own inner chi, as you take in the information. Pay attention to your inner energy. Practice becoming aware of your inner realm. Yes, those horrible things are happening. But also realize that we are observing countless centuries of karmic accumulation among the collective. We, collectively, have come to the proverbial bottom of the barrel karmically speaking. And you would not be here if there weren’t something about this that your soul wanted to experience. There IS something your soul wanted to experience. And it is your life now, on this planet now. You are right where you intended yourself to be.
So, where the hell is the exit from all of this suffering?
The exit is (always) within yourself. Energetically speaking. To observe the ugly sides of humanity, and understand it is a reflection of our history, then you can get a glimpse of how it forms. And thus, you can start to understand how to undo it.
We are given fierce free agency on this planet. “Reality” is a mirror. How can you offend a mirror with any image? Try it. Stand in front of a mirror and … scare it. Startle it. Offend it. You can’t. That is what free agency suggests. The quantum mirror will reflect back to us any image we project upon it. It is our projection, from our inner energy, that is the creator of our reflection or our reality.
It can be tough at first. To see something horrible happening in our society. To see it, and to understand that it is part of the package of a truly free environment. Free agency to create anything that we choose. The (quantum) mirror has no preferences of its own. It is all coming from our own consciousness. The exit from this cycle is to remove or heal all of the energy within us, that we have accumulated over the many lifetimes. To see the horrific, and accept that it is part of the whole package. The whole package of our fierce freedom. As creators incarnate, we have the power to create heaven and we have the power to create hell. Anything else would be a limitation to us.
Learn how to release all the accumulated energy within us, that is incongruent with the life that we would prefer. When you feel your inner emotions stir, that is an opportunity to give those emotions your attention and let them out by feeling them. Releasing them. Yes, powerful creators can create anything they focus on. Choose carefully what you keep your attention on.
Love You!
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