When the Citizens heal (enlighten) the kingdom will thrive … every time

So what is your idea of power? What does “powerful” mean to you? An army? A hurricane? Nuclear power? What is powerful? If you were to imagine the appearance of power, what would that be? Perhaps, from above, it the sight of a valley full of nuclear power plants. So many, in fact, that there is no place left to put one more? Or the view of a hurricane from outer space? That huge circle of clouds that are wreaking havoc on the land below. Or perhaps we would bump it up a bit. God. I mean … God. The creator of all that is. That’s got to surpass anything. Right? I mean … God. Let’s get to the point here.What’s bigger than God? Right?

Hold on a minute. History show some troubling truths.  For example … God sucks at ending wars. We have actively been at war for eons of time. War has killed millions of people over years and years. And countless people have prayed for it all to stop. Today would be preferable. If God is, indeed, the most powerful thing that we can imagine, where the hell is the Divine One, the “all powerful,” showing up? Let’s keep this real. People are suffering on THIS planet here. Right now. And countless people are asking God to step in and clean up all the suffering … Crickets … Nothing. What the Hell!

I mean, if we are going to worship something, anything, it might be something that can actually make a difference. Right?

Enter the human being. That would be you. That would be me. Us. We, the people.

If we are on the lookout for the Big Guy (God) to show up to clean up the suffering on this planet, it won’t be some Deity descending from the heavens. It won’t be some booming voice from above, telling us all to … knock it off! Go sit in the corner.

Does God really care? Does God even exist?  Who the hell are we REALLY praying to here?

If we can’t get clear about  that, then perhaps we are barking up the wrong tree.

Consider this. We, the people, are here for the HUMAN experience. As Humans. All of creation took place for the experience of creation. It took billions of years of a very patient creator to even get us a planet to hang around on. And then … DNA. Don’t even get me started about THAT creation.  To take the dirt of the planet, and animate it. Creating vessels that consciousness could occupy. All of this leading to living creatures. Plants, animals and us. WE all have a DNA thread to our bodies. Your body came from a lineage of DNA. And when Your body was born, you were not there. Well, your ego was not in existence the day you were born. You were a Soul baby. And now it IS your ego understanding this sentence.

Enter God. That’s you. Our mythology has given us clues. “The Father (God) and I are One.” (Now.) Sages and Mystics have spoken about the One-ness of consciousness. A gigantic hologram of Source. These notions would have been considered blasphemy just a few years ago. We would have been told to just pray to God, and later on, in some future century, God would get around to ending the wars.

Nope. It will never happen that way. God is not showing up as some glowing Deity. We (God) are here for the Human experience. The creator, You, are here for the experience of BEing a human. ALL soul-utions will come through our own human form. The elephant in the room is the Divinity of the citizens. Your own Divinity. You are a personification of the Divine. You are a Human Being on earth now. The solutions we seek will come through our own human form. Through our own inspirations.

Yes, indeed, pray to God. And then listen. Pay attention. Listen to your own inspirations. And then follow them. For you are the face of the Divine. God will end war by Human Beings following their own Divine inspirations. We, the people, are the vehicle of the Divine. And Love is the Power behind our Human nature. Specifically, unconditional Love is the Big Power.

If you want an image of what authentic Divine power looks like, it is millions and billions of Human Beings living in unconditional Love. Jesus was an ambassador to unconditional Love. He had a body too. A ticket to make a difference. And he performed all forms of miracles. And he told us that we will do all those things too, once we can find the Divine within us now. God, You look Divine!

Love You!

Les Jensen


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