Your Divine Human Blueprint What shall You become? In a way, we are a long way from “home.” But it isn’t that we are gone. We chose, as Souls, to “go for a trip.” And what a long strange trip it has been. As I prepared for this week’s podcast, I recognized an aspect of the evolution of our consciousness. We have collectively been “living” with our awareness on the physical world. And that has served us very well. But I think there is a possible snag. I say snag, because we are never stuck. What I mean by snag could also be said as a karmic detour. If we, as a collective, keep our attention and our sciences on the physical world, we will miss, perhaps, the Divine idea of BEing an evolved human being. The Divine has you all set for quite the evolutionary journey. You already have…
No Growth … No Glory It is up to you Time is moving on. Opportunities are coming and going every day. And the universe carries on. There are no requirements. None really. We are given fierce free agency on this planet. Do, or don’t do, as you choose. But … IF you so choose … there is nothing you can’t do. We all have the potential for an infinite stream of inspiration flowing into our consciousness. Our Heart and Soul always have more information for us … IF we choose to listen and take action on it. There are plenty of people on Earth that are just getting by. Kind of like treading water. Not really going anywhere. And indeed life on Earth can be a struggle. But there are always new opportunities available. Always another opportunity to grow ourselves. And when we actually DO grow ourselves, we renew who we…
The timeless nature of our Human journey Are you excited for your future? Really excited? Does your ego genuinely think that your dreams will come true? Is the vision in your heart something you frequent often? Can you see your life path from your soul’s perspective? Don’t tell me but do tell you. Read those questions again. There is a BIG version of you reading along with you, as you. I would suggest that you are living a lifetime that has been foretold for generations. You are living a life that can actually make the dreams of your family lineage come true. The generations before us had a hope for the future. Humanity as a whole has been praying for a lasting answer to our human struggles. Sure, we can talk about karma and love. Certainly. Perhaps these two aspects can describe most all of our human experiences. But then…
Love is a very powerful thing to talk about. Love, play it on me. ~ The Who So here we are. Once again. What’s it going to be? We all have more life to live. Here is some more showing up right now. And here is yet another moment. If indeed we are Divine BEings, how can we tap the Divinity for some real-time leverage in our life? Well, perhaps the question is, how BIG do you want to PLAY on this planet Earth? For there is a definitive process of creation. I mean, who doesn’t notice the Earth we are walking around on? The creator aspect that made the earth is part of who we are right now. Or the endless list to creations that our human ancestors have created? Our Divinity does not sway or error. It is an absolute aspect of us now, awaiting our mastery of…