


What IS Love all about? When we talk about Love, there can be quite a variety of reactions. Love, by itself, is a very powerful topic. Sometimes people avoid it. Or hold it at arm’s length. We can remember times when our heart was broken falling out of Love. But Love, unconditional Love, is something that heals. How can it be? Does Love hurt or heal? Enter Karma. Like Darth Vader, walking out of hiding. Karma holds the pain. Love, itself, does not hurt. But the karma we pick up along the way is where we get a painful feeling to Love. When we first come into this earthly plane, we are innocent. Then we start up the karmic momentum. Our karmic posturing with what is. Karma itself is a sort of posturing with the present moment. It is only in this NOW that we can change our karmic disposition.…

Love is for your enjoyment For many of us, we can remember a time in our life when our heart has been broken. Perhaps this involved a painful chapter (or chapters) when the act of loving someone had brought us a very deep painful experience. And those memories can keep us from returning to the idea of loving again. But the love within our “self” at a very deep level is always ready to love again. It is when we have acquired self-judgment that we can be setting ourselves up for a painful experience of love. Self-judgment in the form of guilt or shame are the emotions that can cut the deepest. These emotions prevent us from letting love in. When we have patterns of avoiding loving our self we create a vacuum of sorts. A feeling of emptiness. And that is when the love from another can give us a…