


The Next Chapter of Our Human Story Are you one of them? One of the millions of Souls who will embody their own Divine potentials? What was the intention of your Soul for this incarnation? The mechanics of Divinity are becoming very common. In other words, there are thousands of awakened people who are explaining the many paths to enlightenment. And perhaps even more intriguing, the power of intention and manifestation. How to create a NEW reality. There is a process or strategy that makes massive change much more manageable. Lets use carbon fuels as an example. If we were to focus on the problem, and perhaps protest the many ways that fossil fuels are damaging our planet, we would be risking a lot. In other words, if we were to focus exclusively on what is wrong, we would be setting ourselves up for real problems. Say that we were…

The Many Flavors of Heaven You are here to BE you So what will heaven look like? What are the dreams of our ancestors? Where are we going as a human race? In the same way that God, with a big G, will not descend from the heavens and directly change humanity … God, with a big G, will not be the one experiencing heaven. You will. Of course, we could say, that God with a big G, IS heaven. O.K. Sure… But if we were to embody the Divine, to the point of (re)turning ourselves into pure Light, there would be no “me.” There was a moment in my life, where my Soul took me to “heaven.” It was a very profound experience. Very hard to describe in words. But the gist of it was going to that place within us, where our Divinity is present. So imagine taking all…

Finding the Light Within Where the journey of the seeker … ends For myself, there was an episode where my own soul showed me the Light of Source. I had not expected it. Yet it would become a reference point for me to understand the Divine Light within each of us, and how we are to relate to our inner Light as human beings. It was then that I could actually experience what it was like to be only Light. It was in that moment, where I could not sense any “thing.” No time or space. No here or there. No me or you. No directions. No up or down. No symbols. No meaning. No objects of any kind. Nothing but Light. It was a very profound and all-encompassing event. And the journey there and back gave me a glimpse into the underpinnings of creation itself. Part of what motivates…

Dream. Big. Co-create with the creator. How do you go from a peasant to a king? From a seeker to the Divine itself? From a mere mortal to the immortal consciousness of the Divine? I am not suggesting anything about you, the reader. This is a metaphorical conversation. Who are we? Really. A simple question. If we consider who it is that is reading this sentence … who is the answer. Sure, your ego is taking the symbols, the characters and words, and assigning meaning to them. Creating your own understanding of what they mean. But your ego is so … single lifetime consciousness. Your Soul is here too. And your Soul has been through so many different lifetimes. Your Soul has been through so many different archetypes too. Perhaps your Soul has played out the peasant and royalty, the sinner and the saint, the cop and the criminal, the…

The root of creation itself In the beginning was the Light. Light. There is nowhere to hide in a hologram. All elements are “online.” And within each point in a hologram, all points are present. This idea re-enforces the notion that God, with a big G, is within you now. Well, that is only half correct. God suggests Masculine. In order for true Power to be present, we need to balance that out with Feminine. Goddess is within you now as well. God and Goddess are within you now. Hmmm. We are still using symbols (God/Goddess) to “define.” Light. There … much better. In the beginning, of all that is, there was only Light. And within that Light, which had no form, was the potential of all form(s) of creation. That very same Light is within you now. You ARE the Creator incarnate. Quite literally. We could bring in the…