


Tapping your infinite potential We all have more personal potential to discover about ourselves. It arrives in any one moment. There is this ever-present “now.” Every moment offers an opportunity for a new idea or direction to show up for us. We can take a step back and look at the history of our human experience and see so many different eras and cultures in our human history. And I suggest that we are at the doorway of one of the most incredible yet. From my perspective, this chapter of our human story is without comparison. We are at the curve of an exponential shift in our human story. A shift that will be so vast and so spectacular, that this chapter will be talked about for quite some time to come. The infinite potential of our human nature never dims. Ever. We are all a point of presence in a galactic…

Trusting the Divinity of Your Life So many sages and mystics have told us of the God/Goddess within us now. You are God/Goddess now. Well cool. Then I don’t have to do anything then … right? Well, don’t stop buying food just yet. Sure, there are infinite possibilities for your life available to you right now. But that doesn’t mean you will be able to experience them right this minute. Indeed, I am always careful with my language to ensure that I do not dictate what, or how, the Divine can show up in any one moment. Typically, there is never a COMPLETE re-arranging of life circumstances. Sure, there can be moments of full immersion of the Divine Light. But typically, there is a continuation of a relative life pattern. I say typically, in order to allow being proven wrong. We are here for the journey. As a journey, there…

What are you broadcasting to the Law of Attraction? Your inner chi: Chi = energy. It is your inner energy. It is you casting your vote for the future. Everything happens energetically first. The last thing to happen is that the atoms move. In other words, whatever is to be happening in the near future exists now as an energetic condition. When you build a house you start with an idea. A mental form of energy. The idea of the house exists first as a thought (mental energy). The very last step is to pick up a hammer and build it (atoms moving). The physical world is the last step. Our eyes are only watching the last step happen. (Our physical eyes cannot see the mental and emotional energy of what is shaping our future. Our third eye, or psychic ability, can see the energy shaping our future.) We are…