


Going Up … Going Down The Evolution of Consciousness From the Light, into the shadow, and then the return to Light. A timeless journey. From the Light. In the beginning … was the Light. And it was without form. There was no duality, or form. If you were to go to the absolute core of yourself, you would find the Light. A non-local field of Source Consciousness. And if I were to do the same, I would find the Light as well. It is not like we would both be there, but rather, there would be no “us” there. We would be One. As I have shared before, my Soul dragged my ego there. To show me the total realm of human consciousness. The Light is beyond the description of words (symbols). You can (kind of) get a sense for this if you were to look at a light bulb,…

Your Karmic Connection Your past showing up in the present When we all incarnated onto this Earth we entered a karmic classroom. Perhaps like no other classroom around this galaxy. The collective story that is playing out right now is the current chapter of this moment in our human history. This moment. Now. What makes this lifetime so unique? You do. Well, it potentially offers you an opportunity for this lifetime to be like no other. The likelihood of your reading material, like this blog, is mostly non-existent in the past. In other words, the availability for humans to find conversations about our Divine potentials, was quite rare in the past. Unless you had access to sacred text, with only the original copy in existence, located at a single location on the Earth, then you would most likely never find out about your true Divine potentials. But now, consciousness is…

I mean … we ALL want to get to Heaven … Right? There is a very common mindset on this planet. A very established and old mindset of “right and wrong.” Indeed, it does have some merit to it. But then again … where did all these heroes come from? Are we not living out a most exceptional span of human history? Are we not coming out of some of the darkest consciousness in perhaps the whole galaxy? Are there countless stories from our very own mythology that talk about the end of times, or perhaps language about the apocalypse? Didn’t the Western mind make a nuclear arsenal that would wipe out all of life on this planet? How can I even type these sentences without being in total shock… These are very dark mindsets. Enter Love. And more specifically, unconditional Love. Power beyond measure. I suggest that Love is…

Finding the Divine within you now When we created our ego, there was no outside input. Sure, our parents taught us how to do it. Perhaps not directly. At least my parents did not say, Les, you are growing an ego … It happened much more organically. Teaching us the symbols we would be using in life. That big thing over there is called a tree. Step by step creating a symbol processor. What we would now call our brains, personality and ego. But there is an elephant in the room. Or rather, there is a huge presence within you now. A point of Divine consciousness. The source of ALL of your thoughts. And … the Divine potential to create anything you can imagine. But what decides what we are able, or unable, to create is the imprinting of our past. Our karma. Our own consciousness from the past, influencing…

Playing the Divine Hand There are all kinds of measures of success. Whole arenas of shared collective values that can decide if you have “made it” or not. Images from the tribe that “show” if you have made it or not. Are you a genuine man? What is on the cover of GQ magazine? Are you an authentic woman? Which magazine are you on the cover of? What icons are associated with your “success”? Perhaps it is that PhD or a position on the board of directors. Or maybe an Emmy or Oscar sitting on the mantle. What are you going to use to see if you are honoring your true potential? When we are raised, we are imprinted with our values. Those values were to become the measuring stick of what we accomplish with our life … if we let them. There is no problem at all with this…