Octaves of Wisdom
Where are you operating from?
How do you make the choices that you make, as you go about your day? It can seem that we are making our decisions based on what is happening outside of us. I want that. I don’t want that. That being that thing or opportunity outside of us. And there is certainly a merit to that.
Sure, we are observing “this” and “that” outside of us.
The thing is, we are actually basing a lot of wisdom, the wisdom behind our choices, on what is going on inside of us. There is a metaphorical structure to our consciousness. You could think of it as octaves of consciousness. Tiers of wisdom, perhaps. As we load up our psyche, over many lifetimes, including this lifetime, we start to posture. We develop a wisdom, perhaps based in our egos, that decides what we do as we go about our day.
For example, before I got cracked open, all my choices were weighed based on my unconscious emotion of anger. In other words, I had a subconscious “wisdom” that would look at my options and choices as I went about my day and decide which ones I would take actions on based on the risk of stirring up my anger. My “wisdom” was an inside job at that point. At least how it was related to the risks of stirring up my anger. The thing is, I as in my ego, was weighing everything outside of me, and I didn’t even know it. At all. I was totally clueless to this subconscious “safety mechanism” that was deciding most of my choices before they ever became conscious choices. You could say the octave of wisdom I was making my choices from, was my subconscious mind.
Let me be clear. Our subconscious has a role of sorts. A healthy subconscious, and the ego that is associated with it can make “valid” choices as part of “correct” behavior. But all too often, we load up our subconscious with posturing with our own emotions. Our own suppressed emotions. Where the “wisdom” our subconscious has taken on was instilled in us as a survival tactic of a child. The curious thing about the subconscious is that, left on its own, it will never “clean house.” In other words, had I not spent some time “on the couch” seeing a psychiatrist I most likely would have spent my whole life posturing with unresolved emotions in my subconscious. A polarized wisdom of sorts. Whenever we are posturing, we are operating from the lower octaves of wisdom. Posturing in that we are avoiding our feelings, as our feelings are just messengers bringing us wisdom for us to interpret. When we avoid the emotions and feelings, we are avoiding the wisdom those emotions are trying to deliver to us.
As we heal our relationship with our own emotions, we are metaphorically moving up the scale or octaves of wisdom.
There is a whole other rodeo going on within us. In other words, within the higher octaves of our consciousness is a whole different wisdom. A vast wisdom. A wisdom that spans across all of our lives. That is the wisdom of our soul. Our soul is a huge multidimensional wisdom. Our soul knows about who we have been across all of our incarnations. Our soul can look into the future and make choices based on what it sees is going to happen in the future. On 9/11 hundreds of people didn’t go into the office in the Twin Towers because their soul knew what was about to happen. Many “missed” their train, had gotten sick, or missed their plane in another city. I got a clear message that I was to move back into a house I had been renting, in 2019. And then something happened in 2020. I am so glad that I listened to that inner wisdom, that higher wisdom within me.
But the thing is, sometimes our lower wisdom overrules our higher wisdom. Sometimes we get guidance from our soul, only to have our ego react with a “hell no.” “Les, write a book,” said my inner wisdom. “Oh hell no! I don’t want to do that,” my ego responded.
Our soul knew all about what would be happening during this lifetime. This lifetime that you are living now. It knew how the world would be turned upside down. And it had a role for you to play out. But gone unchecked, the ego can override much of what we are here to do. Had my ego had its way, I wouldn’t have written any books. My soul is showing me visions of what my future could be, if I choose to operate from my higher wisdom, that is. What has helped me metaphorically “get onboard” with the intentions of my soul was for me to heal my relationship with my emotions. Once I started bringing the subconscious posturing with my emotions into a conscious space, I could feel the emotions flare up, and still move forward. “Les, write a book” …Yikes … WTF … Oh my God .. really?
I was able to endure my ego’s response and still recognize that the wisdom behind that inspiration was the higher wisdom of my soul. Once that started happening, my whole life changed for the better. I want to honor the wisdom of my soul. The more I heal my relationship with my emotions, that gets easier to do. I like easy.
What are you here to do? Do that!
Love You
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