Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving from New Human Living

Does it seem like time is moving faster these days? I wanted to take a moment and thank you! I very much appreciate your part in this journey we call life. We are all very powerful souls who are choosing to wake up our understanding of our own authentic power. The feelings that love brings to us can be so delightful and exciting. Love always seeks expansion. And you are that love personified. To be able to bring love into the everyday experience is the game-changer. Unconditional love is the doorway to Heaven on Earth.

Love has so many faces. When I think about how love had taken a different route into my life, I can think of the so called “villains” in my life. There is one particular villain that comes to mind. He was a boss I had pretty early on in my career in television. During the time I spent working for him, I would have considered him petty, malicious and downright caustic. Yet I loved everything else about my job. Television was such a fun and exciting industry. I was working in a large television facility and I was responsible for managing the technical platform on which the station ran. Yet after almost a decade, I was starting to crack. His petty nature toward me everyday was starting to erode my sanity.

Over time, I was struggling more and more and ended up seeing a psychiatrist. After about two years of sessions, I finally broke down. Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say I broke open. Before that moment, I had a pretty well-defined sense of myself. I was a television broadcast engineer. I loved working in TV and thought that was the sole vocation for my life. Had you asked me about my future, I would have said that it would be spent entirely in television engineering. But my soul had much bigger plans for me. And then it happened. I cracked open.

The journey to that point had involved almost a decade of daily demeaning and petty demoralizing behavior from my boss, pushing me deeper and deeper into my subconscious feelings. And once I broke open, everything changed. That event brought a sudden realization about the subconscious effect on my own sense of self. After that event I started paying attention to the subtle aspects of how I felt. I started looking within myself on a daily basis. And my life broke open too.

I can clearly see that it was in that specific moment that a much bigger life purpose was born in me. And as a result of that I am now an author, radio host and a open heart with a very big vision of my heart holding compassion for our human condition. Wow, that boss was a key element in my life. That “bastard” was in truth my angel. I now know we had a soul contract with each other. He was there to serve me. He was there in a service of love. Yet there was nothing “loving” about him, at least in the physical sense. Yet today I am very thankful that he was in my life. He was such a diligent villain. He changed my life forever. He was one of the most beneficial influences in my life. I am so very thankful for him. His ego does not know the gift he was for me. Yet here I am … open, authentic and free.

Perhaps today is a good time to reflect on your life. And perhaps take a fresh look at those influential people in your own life.

For myself, I am thankful for you. You give what I do purpose. And I am very grateful for that.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Love you,



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