You didn’t do it Wrong

Karma takes it upon itself

Karma, by its very nature, removes you from your “truth” or “power.” In other words, as you “take on” more and more karma, you are separating from your own power. We can think of karma as a method or mechanism that humans have that loads up our psyche with an illusion of sorts. Not only does karma collapse our choices of each moment, but it can also get us to prefer a particular way of living, even though that “particular way” of living doesn’t support us. What I mean by that is as we take on more karma, we are loading up our psyche with feelings and memories that can be very challenging for us. We can have a preference for avoiding our karma.

A common example of this is addictions. Addictions come in many flavors. People can become addicted to alcohol, drugs, sex, shopping, gambling, lying, cheating, etc. But typically all forms of addictions are a form of avoidance. When we have addictive behaviors, we want to avoid the feelings and memories from our past that were imprinted in our psyche. Often from a very challenging and painful part of our life. Feelings and memories we would much rather just forget. But the impersonal mechanism of karma takes it upon itself to keep the feelings there until you can handle them.

But karma also takes it upon itself to ensure that we can’t forget, at least not forever. This isn’t a bad thing, really. It is like taking all the parts of our life, where we couldn’t see our truth, and stores or records them for later. Karma is not “doing its thing” in a personal way, where karma is looking for “revenge” or such. Karma itself is very indifferent. The mechanism(s) of karma are extremely impersonal. All of your karma has nothing “against you.”

You can transform your relationship with your karma, in an instant.

Imagine being a small child in a domestic violence household. Holy crap, these adults are so intense. How can I navigate this intense environment? The child has no tools, no mental or emotional tools, to handle the extreme emotions and feeling that have the adults doing such horrible things to each other. The child doesn’t have the resources or strength to personally influence, control or stop the hostilities of the household. It just has to find a way, any way, to navigate or survive the situation. It is in that environment that the mental memory gets anchored in the psyche of the child in this fictitious example. The memory of the feeling is paramount to understanding how karma presses itself up against us metaphorically.

This karmic classroom, this planet we live on, is full of experiences that can be extremely challenging for us at any age. The pain and suffering on this planet can be very deep. Very difficult to navigate. But to become an expert sailor, one must learn to handle the tempest of a hurricane or tsunami. We too, as souls, choose to experience karmic storms of our own. We, as souls, consciously choose to come here and forget who we are. We choose to load up our psyche with countless karmic imprints that separate us from our truth and power.

To our timeless soul, it is just another class to take to master the art of being human. You can’t come to earth to experience being a hero, unless there are villains to slay. We created the karmic tempest as an opportunity to challenge ourselves. As a soul might choose to incarnate to experience the hero archetype, that soul will need another soul who has become so separated from their own truth, that they have become a tyrant trying to control or manage their own karmic disposition. None of this is “wrong.” Nobody involved is doing it wrong. The high winds of a hurricane have nothing personal to everyone it touches. So too, karma doesn’t have any say in how we handle it. For how we handle it is the lesson itself.

Don’t regret your karmic lessons that you have set up for yourself. It is what will help you become a master of living in the human condition. Once you learn how to heal your karma, you will (re)discover the truth of who you really are.

What a journey you have chosen for yourself. I am impressed!

Love You


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