You didn’t do it Wrong Karma takes it upon itself Karma, by its very nature, removes you from your “truth” or “power.” In other words, as you “take on” more and more karma, you are separating from your own power. We can think of karma as a method or mechanism that humans have that loads up our psyche with an illusion of sorts. Not only does karma collapse our choices of each moment, but it can also get us to prefer a particular way of living, even though that “particular way” of living doesn’t support us. What I mean by that is as we take on more karma, we are loading up our psyche with feelings and memories that can be very challenging for us. We can have a preference for avoiding our karma. A common example of this is addictions. Addictions come in many flavors. People can become addicted…
Ticket to Paradise Look no further than You! There is your ticket, EnJoy the ride!For every arena of consciousness, there is a spectrum of possibilities. The archetypes are a good example of this. There is the Sinner and the Saint. The Cop and the Criminal. The Hero and the Victim.In every single arena, there is (the potential of) You. You, as a Soul, can play out any experience you can imagine. It might not seem that way, once you try to traverse the spectrum. In other words, you might be experiencing a particular type of hardship, trying to change your condition. And, perhaps, not having much luck actually changing your condition.There is a momentum, of sorts, behind most any karmic stigma. There are several billion variations of such things, playing out in the lives of the 8+ billion people living on the Earth right now. Some are so totally loaded…