


Spiritual Growth is Spiritual Expansion All consciousness seeks expansion You can never do it all. As I mentioned in the title of the last blog, you can’t do it all. There is a curious attribute to our consciousness, in that it is constantly seeking to expand itself. In the beginning was the Light (Source Consciousness). It sought to expand itself, and brought itself into form. It sought to expand its experience, and thus created form. A canvas of sorts, for it to express itself through. You are part of that canvas of expression. You are also part of that consciousness. There is no consciousness “outside,” or separate, from Source Consciousness, or “God.” Even the “evil” ones are Source Consciousness. We have a pacing of sorts. For many of us, we have settled down into a “normal” experience of life. A normal experience, where one day isn’t much different, as far…

It is important to do it right. Right? Who wants to be wrong? We want, I suppose, that we want to be “good” people. Right? I mean Bad is … well, Bad. If we are to evolve ourselves spiritually, it is important to do things right. Is that right? Who gets to decide what is the right right? Both Light and Shadow are the Dance of Love. So, in the beginning, there was Light. LIGHT. The only thing in existence is Light. (Technically it doesn’t “exist,” but that’s another story.) If the only thing that “exists” is Light, well, stop right there. Heaven itself. Ladies and gentlemen we have Heaven. Completely and totally Heaven. Perfect … right? Who the hell would want to leave “Heaven?” Well, God would, and did. Did God screw it all up? I mean HEAVEN damn it! Don’t mess with it if it is perfectly right?…

What are You waiting for? What? Are we there yet? There is the notion that a goldfish will grow to match the container in which it is kept. Keep a small goldfish in a small bowl, and it will stay small. Move it to a bigger bowl, and it will grow in size accordingly. Our egos can behave the same way. Is your ego enjoying your life? Is your heart enjoying your ego? So many of us are drowning in the mundane. We have rationalized ourselves into an unfulfilling life. Our life in our fast brain, has no real room for the desires of our heart. Our ego, from moment to moment, categorizes all that is happening to us. Putting everything in its “appropriate” box. Our egos are symbol processors. Our egos process symbols. Symbols. Symbols are not anyTHING, really. Symbols are … well, symbols, that represent something else. Write…