


Who will You become? At your current trajectory. If you were to continue to live your life, how you are living it right now, and where would you “end up?” As if there is an end, which I don’t think there is. But to pause for a second and contemplate, “What is possible for your life?” If we look at the BIG You, and bring in your Soul to this idea of You, then what you may become in this lifetime expands beyond comprehension. Your Soul is vast and multi-dimensional. Knowing about next week and next month. But if your Soul is not active in your day-to-day narratives, then it really doesn’t matter. Your ego will run this whole rodeo, until death do you part. You and your ego will separate again. Exactly like the day you were born. You had a Soul, but you didn’t have any ego to…

What have You voted for? It’s all up to you We are in a gigantic election of sorts. No, not the political kind. At least not here in the United States just yet. But the BIG election I am talking of is an everyday type of thing. We cast our votes, metaphorically, by what we put our attention on. Your attention is a very valuable asset. There is a multi-billion-dollar industry, actually several industries, that want your vote (attention). The mainstream media wants your attention. The movie industry wants your attention. Every industry that runs commercials on the various media outlets wants your attention too. I am sure there are others if we put our attention on it. ;- ) When we talk about attention, there are two prominent types of attention. Our conscious attention and our subconscious attention. It is well-known in some marketing circles, that the latter type…

Bring your Boat about Set YOUR Course We are entering the new chapters of our human story. And HERE YOU are. You. Who is going to vet your story? Who will measure your effect? Does that even need to happen? Nothing is required. You are standing in front of a (quantum) mirror. Your reflection (reality) has no template or requirements. But then again … You are Here … now. At the most transformational time in perhaps the history of humanity. Your Soul saw this coming, and had a role for you to play out. If your ego so chooses. Your ego can bugger up the intent. Happens all the time. Many folks go to their grave completely clueless as to what their Soul had in mind for their life. I wouldn’t have grasped my purpose, had the cosmic two-by-four not cracked me open. Now my life purpose is a living breathing thing.…

Ticket to Paradise Look no further than You! There is your ticket, EnJoy the ride!For every arena of consciousness, there is a spectrum of possibilities. The archetypes are a good example of this. There is the Sinner and the Saint. The Cop and the Criminal. The Hero and the Victim.In every single arena, there is (the potential of) You. You, as a Soul, can play out any experience you can imagine. It might not seem that way, once you try to traverse the spectrum. In other words, you might be experiencing a particular type of hardship, trying to change your condition. And, perhaps, not having much luck actually changing your condition.There is a momentum, of sorts, behind most any karmic stigma. There are several billion variations of such things, playing out in the lives of the 8+ billion people living on the Earth right now. Some are so totally loaded…