


Getting off the Emotional Rollercoaster Our Emotions connect us to the Collective Story … until it doesn’t Emotions, as a mechanism or part of being human, are impersonal. But I know it doesn’t always seem that way. But there is an element to our own personal experience of emotions that we do have control over. Not control, in that we suppress our emotions. Not that we “control” our emotions by suppressing them. But rather, we can heal our relationship with our own emotions and set ourselves free of wrestling with them. The emotions themselves are indifferent to how we experience them. You could think of your emotions as a personal report card of sorts. For some of us, we can have a rather constant relationship with particular emotions. For example, we might have a pattern or habit of dreading talking about money, sex or responsibilities with our partner. Where we…

Nobody but You It is all created by You There is a choice that we can make, but for so many, that choice isn’t “available.” For so many people, they tend to live much of their life in a perpetual state of re-acting. Instead of constantly re-acting in the very same way over and over, we can make a new choice and thus a new outcome. But only if we are aware that the choice exists. Reactive patterns tend to base themselves on our emotions. And yet, it is not the emotions themselves that “cause” the re-action. It is the mind. It is a kind of patterning that is often “programmed” into us by our family of origin. In other words, when we are literally creating our ego, growing up as a child, there would be common emotions that perhaps the whole family would posture with. And as a child,…

What you focus on … expands Where are you putting your attention? There is a thing about gratitude that can have an effect on your future. When you are grateful for something that is already in your life, you are putting your attention on what you are grateful for. By putting your attention on what has already been created, even though it is already here, it primes your future for more of the same. It is like you are ordering more of that thing. Likewise, when you are putting your attention on what you don’t want and having it elicit an emotional response, you are solidifying it in your future. It might seem that you are just and worthy to have a vile hatred of something that is horrible. Certainly this planet has plenty of horrific things happening on it. But what the hell? There is a recorder of sorts,…

Traversing the storm Move yourself out of struggle There is a momentum of sorts, a karmic momentum, where we have a pretty constant experience of our life. Not to say that we are all having the same experience, but rather, once we grow up and move into adulthood, there can be a momentum of sorts to the life we experience. Have you heard someone say “All of my three ex-wives have cheated on me?” This is a kind of karmic momentum I am talking about. This is just an example, but there are those have difficulties holding down a job, keeping out of jail, or whatever. I use the idea of traversing in the title to suggest the notion that we can traverse through our karmic momentum and eventually be free of it. Karma, in and of itself, is an impersonal mechanism of the human experience. Karma itself has no…

Getting Past the Struggles One Step at a Time Where did you come from? Perhaps the question is, who is this “you” we are talking about? Are we talking about your Soul as this “you?” If so, then perhaps we would talk about the journey of your Soul. And perhaps previous lives. The themes of your last several incarnations. Etc. Or perhaps we are talking about your ego. Well, that is quite a different conversation. For this moment, let’s look at your ego. Were your parents fully realized personifications of the Divine? In other words, were your parents without any karma or stigmas? Were your parents performing miracle after miracle as the saviors of the past have promised us all we would all eventually be able to do? My guess is probably … no. Certainly for me, no. My parents had plenty of struggles of their own. But here is…

Your Freedom and Your Feelings are related. Do You want more Freedom? My life was being pinched off. I felt it but I didn’t know just how much it was metaphorically drowning me. Before I was cracked open, my feelings, or rather my avoidance of certain feelings, was literally pinching my life out of me. My life was getting smaller and smaller. We all have our comfort zones. A way of life that we prefer. I get it. I mean, who doesn’t want what they prefer? Honing a clarity about what we prefer is a very powerful modality of creating the life that you want. Right? The clearer you get about what you prefer, the more your life moves into what you want it to be. But that will only get you so far. And that may be far enough for you. Not my call. When we find our lives…

To Divide and to Unite The flow of life Imagine the first steps out of Heaven. Or perhaps the first moments of the birth of your Soul. Haven’t been incarnate yet. Haven’t felt any emotions to speak of. Where you haven’t formed any opinions or preferences. Where you are very similar to Source Consciousness itself. Then you plunge into duality. You plunge into separation. You take the deep dive into karma. Fast forward many, many lifetimes, and like now, you find you are living on a planet with massive separation. Or perhaps the perception of massive separation. Divided and divided again until there are literally thousands of issues and opinions of what is “true.” How do I get “back” to Heaven? It is a common trait to label evil as … well …evil. Evil is bad. Evil is of the Devil. OK, sure. You did decide to experience free will.…

Let Go of Struggle There is Grace within You now Imagine … if you will … Imagine that you are crossing a wide and swift river. Perhaps about waist deep. And there is a taut rope strung across the swift river. You are holding tightly to the rope as you take step after step. Feeling for a solid footing on the rocky bottom. Each step brings risk, yet again. Over and over. If you get it wrong … yikes. When we have loaded up our psyche with unresolved emotions, beliefs and expectations, we are literally creating a source of turbulence of sorts within us. We are creating an energetic “connection” with the world “out there.” When the world “out there” is triggered with emotional events, emotions of fear, lack, war, famine and dis-ease, we feel it within our own unresolved emotions in our subconscious. We actually project this energetic connection…

Sailing on an Ocean of Peace You are Safe There is a part of you, that has been there from the beginning. You could call it your Innate Self. When we fret and worry, it is never from our Innate Self. Fret and worry are actually in the realm of the ego/mind. Our ego is an engine of sorts. An engine that runs on narratives. These narratives are the general patterns of language that we repeat, day after day. Rigid patterns for most of us. They reflect our beliefs, attitudes and expectations. They create a karmic momentum. A trajectory of sorts. If you think about the literally billions of egos on the planet, and that each one is unique, then your particular situation is no more personal than any other person’s. In other words, we can create anything that we choose. The universe, as a whole, is extremely indifferent and…

Want a Fresh Start? There is no better time … Is it time for a change? Are you looking for a fresh start? There is no momentum to living. Well, yes there is. There is no momentum “out there.” In other words, the universe is not holding a scorecard with your name on it. There is no “momentum” as far as the universe is concerned. There is no “current status.” You are free. Yet we can have a very deep sense of momentum. “I have been here before, and here I am again.” Perhaps you might have said this before. Where you find yourself in the same predicament as before. “My spouse wants a divorce … again. This makes it three different spouses now that have wanted to divorce me.” “I always find myself … [insert condition here].” Is the universe the one that consistently brings me these patterns of…

Are you on the Right side of Wrong? Where has your past taken you? It can seem like we have gone through the proverbial ringer. Many of us have had a “villain” in our life. Someone who has seemingly had a quest to give us grief. It really is/was personal … or is/was it? The “villain” is perhaps one who has taken on a huge amount of karma. Perhaps your own “personal” villain(s) have much more karma in their psyche than you do. I would not be surprised if you all shared your journey with me, that you would tell me of some pretty terrible trainwrecks in your lives. I know I have had my share. Even though I have been consciously on my spiritual journey for over 25 years, I have had some pretty intense events in my life, in just the past few years. My attitude towards these…