To meet your Soul where it is A non-linear aspect of You! There are no requirements. The idea of fierce free will is proven. Just look at how far into the “darkness” or “shadow” we have gone. Every manner of pain and suffering are playing out on this planet now. Our souls seem to allow it. Until they don’t. Have you ever had a life-changing event in your life? Where would you be now, if that same event had not happened? Sometimes our soul takes off the metaphorical gloves and rings our bell. In other words, there are countless N.D.E. (Near Death Experience) stories shared online. Or an accident or such has turned your life on its head. It’s not that our souls are uninterested in what we choose, but for the most part, it, the ego, is given carte blanche to think, choose, and act as it wishes. The…
It is Who You become as You walk Your Path Your Journey has a Purpose, and so do You Perhaps the safest place for a boat is in the harbor. But the value or reason for a boat, is lost … in the harbor. In other words, if the boat never leaves the harbor, why even have the boat. The (metaphorical) “safest” place for you to be is in your home. With the window shades pulled down and the doors all locked. But you didn’t incarnate to just be “safe.” Sure, we all want to be safe, in a general way. But we also feel more alive when we bump up against risk. “It’s only in uncertainty that we’re naked and alive.” ~ Peter Gabriel There has been so much change over the last several years. Many of us would just like the change to settle down. To get back…
Leave Room to Grow You are never stuck There are no requirements. That is the thing about free will. But there are no limitations either. There is a flow of sorts. Inspiration(s) manifesting into form(s). We can settle into a normal or typical routine. Where one day is like the next. You might think of it as a corridor of preferences. Where the ego has a comfort zone. Where life is predictable and routine. If you were to build a house, you might start with a foundation. Something to build upon. There would literally be no place to put the walls or floor until the foundation was complete. A sequence of steps. The more I look at the difference between a Soul and an Ego, the more I see two very different realms of intents. The Soul is a timeless persona. Looking to expand its experiences and expressions. And the…
Your Mind, Heart and Soul Who are You? So, if you were to be handed a copy of all of your thoughts over the last 24 hours, and they were indexed by “who” had had them, who would be you? In other words, if you were to get a clear report, showing you how much of your thoughts had come from your mind/ego, and your heart and your soul, what kind of ratios would you see? A very common behavioral trait of human beings is that they live mostly in their mind. Mostly, isn’t really fair. Completely in their minds might be a better analogy. We, in general, are completely overdosing on our egos. Our hearts, once healed and open, would never wage war on another. Our soul would not have any need for the “white picket fence” idea of living our life. The notion that you go to “school,”…
The Evolution of Your Soul Got Soul? So here we are. Well, I mean … I am over “here.” And You are … ??? Well, which “You?” Are you evolving your sense of Self? It is quite common for folks to have a list of identities, ready to dispense them as soon as they meet someone who asks them, “Tell me about yourself.” “Well, I work in the TV industry as an engineer. I have three kids and a grandchild. I design computer and electronic circuits, etc.” What would your list be? And indeed, you are correct. All well-defined and established. Nice. This is the identity of your ego. But then there is your Soul. When it comes to evolution, anyone standing still, is moving backwards. In other words, if you are not evolving your sense of Self, then you are staying in the past. It is not like we…
Don’t let your ego make you go Numb We are creatures of habit So, if I asked you, how similar was today compared to yesterday? Excluding one-time events, such as, “I got married yesterday,” how similar is one day to the next day? If you think of yourself as being on a spiritual journey, then “motion” would help you “arrive.” We can come to comfort zones, and then we park it there. Many of us don’t just park it there, we homestead there. It can be just what we need. Comfort, that is. Not to sound contradictory, but comfort can be just the thing to help us recover when we have gone through the ringer. It can take some time to recover. To bring ourselves around, so to speak. As I have shared before, I went through some very tough emotional pain late last year. And it took me several…