Chop the Wood, Carry the Water

Life after Enlightenment

Are you on a spiritual journey? Are you looking to evolve your own spirituality? Which way is Heaven?

There is a notion, that once you “become” enlightened, that all of your worries fade away.

The journey to enlightenment is not a creation. You do not add anything to yourself to “become” enlightened. You are enlightened now. We all are. I guess it could be said that the notion of “becoming enlightened” is the idea of your ego, becoming aware of the Light that has always been inside of you at your core. Perhaps to become enlightened is to become aware. The Light is and always has been at your core.

There is still the laundry to do. Enlightenment doesn’t change that. When you discover the Light at your core, there are still the daily tasks that need to be done. Chop the wood. Carry the water. Your life purpose doesn’t just vanish once you discover that you have always been enlightened. The journey of your Soul continues. If you have always had the Light within you, and the process of becoming enlightened is your ego becoming aware of it, your enlightenment has always been there.

There IS a journey of sorts. Although you can connect with your inner Light anywhere along your journey, it is something altogether different to move into total alignment with this inner Light. You don’t have to “make yourself pure” to connect with the Light within you. But to embody that Light, perhaps is the real journey. I would say that to embody the Light at your core, is the journey to “Heaven.” That journey is a journey with your karma. With your personal energy persona. Cleaning out your subconscious. To return to the Christ Consciousness within you now.

Listen in as a recent client made the journey into the Light within her. Play audio clip.

Are you on your spiritual journey? Would you consider yourself a spiritual seeker? Look within.

Love You!



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