It is Who You become as You walk Your Path

Your Journey has a Purpose, and so do You

Perhaps the safest place for a boat is in the harbor. But the value or reason for a boat, is lost … in the harbor. In other words, if the boat never leaves the harbor, why even have the boat.

The (metaphorical) “safest” place for you to be is in your home. With the window shades pulled down and the doors all locked. But you didn’t incarnate to just be “safe.” Sure, we all want to be safe, in a general way. But we also feel more alive when we bump up against risk.

“It’s only in uncertainty that we’re naked and alive.”
~ Peter Gabriel

There has been so much change over the last several years. Many of us would just like the change to settle down. To get back to a reasonable normal again. Certainly it can seem overwhelming to try to follow all the changes that are taking place in the world today. We can tend to want to just hunker down, so to speak. And certainly self-care can be very important for us to stay centered and grounded through all that is going on.

But your soul knew about this change that is happening now. Your soul knew about all of this before you were even born. Many of us, as souls, chose to come here, during this huge transformation of humanity. Your soul has a purpose for your life. You have a role of sorts. I would suggest, that if you are here now, you have a purpose or reason for your life. For many of us, we are being nudged or inspired into new chapters of our life. I never saw myself as being an author. Yet I know that was part of the life purpose my soul chose for me in this lifetime.

To take on new chapters of our lives, we need to change. We need to leave the “safe” harbor. We would do well to open up the windows and doors. To open up to our heart and soul. Often, we get settled in our heads. Where we engage a mental dialogue in our heads, and really never leave it. In other words, when the world outside of us seems intimidating, we can run a mental narrative, (over) thinking about it all day long. Where we are thinking about what is happening in the world outside of our “safe” harbor.

“Security [safety] is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.” ~ Helen Keller

The first time you do something, you have no skills. Do you remember the first time you sat in the driver seat of a car, to actually drive it? Your attention goes way up, your senses sharpen, and you feel excited and perhaps afraid too. But, now, today, you think nothing of getting in the car to go for a ride. Because you changed. You changed by putting yourself through the experience. Putting yourself through the journey of learning how to drive a car. And now it seems mundane.

Your soul might be showing you a new direction for your life. A new chapter for you to take. And there might be a big part of you that wants to just stay in the safety of the harbor. Stay in the safety of your “home” or “haven.” Whatever it is that is calling you into a new direction, knows you can handle it. Know that you will grow and change from within the journey. You can analyze the hell out of it from your mind, but until you take that first step, you will not be in the journey itself. Trust that you will learn and grow from the experience. Trust you will love who you become along the way.

I resisted becoming an author, and now I write all the time. I have started my next book. And I am excited about who I will become along the way. Who will you become if you follow your heart and soul?

Love You!


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