As You Are

The Life that You are Living

So, what are you experiencing? What do your days feel like? What is your overall mental demeanor? What is your overall emotional demeanor? These demeanors determine the core of your daily experiences. Well, that and some other things.

Can you offend a mirror? Can you overwhelm a mirror? I am not talking about physically, but rather, just with an image. Stand in front of a mirror, and try to startle it. Maybe take it outside on a clear night, and look at the reflection of the night sky. Now that is a BIG image. The mirror isn’t even trying hard. It does all it does with ease. Without bias or preferences. With no agenda of its own. Impersonal and indifferent. Every reflected image has the same merit. No image has a status above another.

Quantum Cornflakes. Quantum Doughnuts. Quantum Nuclear Kaboomies. The Quantum is indifferent too. Acting like a mirror to us, the quantum is what takes the energy that you are projecting, and reflects it back to you as, well … as reality itself. The “reality” you are experiencing is a reflection of you. As You are. As you are energetically. It is the energy of your psyche that the quantum mirror reflects back to you. It is the energy of you, that creates your experiences. That mechanism of “reality” is as indifferent as a mirror. The quantum mirror you might say.

Cue the wants and desires.

Do you have wants? What do you desire? What do you want to experience? What do you want your (quantum) reflection to contain? If you are standing in front of a mirror with perhaps messy morning hair, how do you change that reflection? Which “side” of the mirror creates the image? Which side of the quantum mirror creates your experiences? Where would you go to make the changes in your life? It’s always an inside job. It’s your energy, your inner chi, that creates the life you are experiencing.

The (karmic) elephant in the room … is also you. Well, your subconscious. For the vast majority of folks, the energy stored in their subconscious is much stronger than their conscious energy. In other words, it is our subconscious energy that is the most prominent in our (quantum) reflection. It is our subconscious that determines the majority of our life experiences, until it doesn’t. Our subconscious lessens its effect when we “do the work.” When we do our spiritual work. For the most part, it is our mental and emotional karmic imprinting that has created the vast majority of karma that we have stored in our subconscious. You have spent lifetimes loading up your psyche with karmic imprinting. For many of us, we can practice vision boards, affirmations and the like, only to be in the same place a decade later. Not making any significant progress on changing our quantum reflection more toward what we prefer or desire.

Always, what we experience, is a reflection of what we are (energetically).

More, from Les, later.

Love You!


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