Traversing the storm

Move yourself out of struggle

There is a momentum of sorts, a karmic momentum, where we have a pretty constant experience of our life. Not to say that we are all having the same experience, but rather, once we grow up and move into adulthood, there can be a momentum of sorts to the life we experience.

Have you heard someone say “All of my three ex-wives have cheated on me?” This is a kind of karmic momentum I am talking about. This is just an example, but there are those have difficulties holding down a job, keeping out of jail, or whatever.

I use the idea of traversing in the title to suggest the notion that we can traverse through our karmic momentum and eventually be free of it. Karma, in and of itself, is an impersonal mechanism of the human experience. Karma itself has no motive or momentum of its own.

It is our human nature that creates a sense of karmic momentum.

We load up our psyche with karmic imprinting, and once we have accumulated enough karma, we can start to experience a sense of momentum to our life. This would be much easier to deal with if all of our karma came from just this life. This life we are living right now. But karma can accumulate over many lifetimes. Many times the karmic momentum we are experiencing was well-established in our soul’s psyche long before we were born.

We don’t really incarnate into such a karmic tsunami, like the karmic tsunami playing out on the world stage right now, unless we have gained considerable experience from previous lifetimes. This time on Earth is a graduate class for souls to take. If you can incarnate onto a planet with so much darkness and still find your way out into the light, into the love, then you are a badass soul who has mastered the art of being human.

To traverse within the storm is to start to move out of the struggle of the metaphorical storm. We get stuck when we posture with ourselves. I say posture with ourselves, but it first shows up as us posturing, or blaming, the world outside of us. Using the example of the man who had been cheated on by his three ex-wives, again this is just an example, he could easily “blame” his first wife for the behavior, and perhaps even blame the second wife. But after the pattern or karmic momentum generated by the pattern is revealed over time, it will show that he himself is the one that created the patterned experience.

We can have a deep-seated belief that we are not worthy, or that we are not loveable, or any of the many other ways we can sabotage ourselves based on very deep-seated beliefs. If these deep-seated beliefs are what is creating the karmic momentum, then until they are discovered and released, our place in the storm is assured. To traverse through these types of karmic stigmas is always an inside job. In other words, when we want to change the experience we are having outside of us, we must first change the karmic stigmas that are operating on the inside of us.

If we have never taken inventory of ourselves, it can seem a bit daunting. To turn our attention onto ourselves is a very powerful things we can do to unravel longstanding patterns that have been operating within us. Typically these patterns have been operating since our childhood. The mental/emotional relationship, how our mind postures with our emotions, is perhaps the lion’s share of our karmic stigmas. These mental/emotional posturings that we have can be like a karmic anchor, keeping us stuck in the proverbial storms. Until we start to identify and then heal and recover from our mental and emotional karmic imprinting, we are not really going anywhere.

Once you start to traverse from where you are karmically, it gets easier and easier. In other words, once you get some practice dealing with and healing your mental and emotional patterning, you start to see the freedom that can come from healing. The more you heal yourself, the more you want to heal yourself. I have been scrubbing my own psyche for a few decades and I am still finding deeper and deeper karmic imprinting in my own persona. I will never stop cleansing myself. It is a daily practice that has become a habit for me. And for that I am very grateful.

Perhaps start up a practice of your own?

Love You


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