
vision for your life


Learning to Run When the training wheels comes off When you start to get some traction, walking in step with your heart and soul, you start to notice encounters you have with others, in a different way. You may pray to be a more Loving being, and someone will come along and trigger your unresolved anger. Damn it. I was praying for Love. As you start to listen to your heart and soul more and more as you go about your day, then you start to notice a shift in your cadence. And the direction you are headed. By teaching your ego to just step back a bit, and allow a flow to present itself, then you are in the current. You are flowing in the stream. The villain is also your hero. Only they can push your buttons the deepest, within your psyche. Affording you the sight to heal…

Living in the Joy of Your Life Purpose Your Soul has an Idea for You There is a curious thing that happens, as we load our psyche up with karma. We collapse the notion of our life into smaller and smaller narratives. As we load up our psyche with karma, we literally disconnect from a lot of our intuitive information resources. In other words, we lose more of our ability to intuitively sense our environment and thus choices, and thus our ability to intuitively make (better) choices. There is a pattern of sorts that shows up when we have disconnected from our intuition. As we lose the ability to be more fully intuitive in the moment, we move our decision-making mechanism up into our brains. And our brains, or egos if you will, love patterns. Patterns are predictable. Patterns offer the illusion of safety. Patterns give us the feeling of…

God will not fix your problems Not without You God is so very powerful. Right? And God has unconditional Love for us. Yet we can pray for God to help us and it seems like nothing is really happening. How many times, as a child, did you pray to God for that bicycle for your birthday? Only to not get it. Do you think, as a child, you lost faith in God? Did you think, as a child, that God really didn’t love you? Do you think, as you were growing up, that you ever got angry at God? Come on God, I have prayed and prayed, and you just don’t listen. Would you take a child out of kindergarten and give them a Ph.D? Would you take a pre-med student and have them perform brain surgery? It is the journey, and the things we learn along the way, that…