
soul’s inspiration


Are you In JOY when you think about your Dreams? Let Joy be your rudder … What metaphorical “irons in the fire” do you have? What are you working towards? What are you intending to happen in your life? Les, I’m retired, I’m too busy, I can’t, I have too many demands on my life already. OK, sure. If you say so. It is not for me to judge your choices. Please do whatever you want. But you can judge your choices. Not in a critical way but rather in a bigger picture sort of way. Your Soul came here with a big picture in mind for your life. For myself, I never weighed my life against anything. And sure, that is certainly an option for us all. Live and let live. But once I got cracked open, a curious thing happened. I started getting NEW inspirations. Write a book.…

Wishing for the Way Things Were? Wishing on a memory Where did the “normal” go? We had a “normal” way back in 2019. Wishing that things become the way they were can be counterproductive. During the podcast Wednesday night, we discussed the different ways our Soul can “get our attention.” Often resorting to the proverbial cosmic two-by-four. When our Soul wants change in our life, it might serve us to follow our Soul’s inspiration so our Soul doesn’t have to resort to more drastic measures to get our attention. Often we can cling to a “comfort zone” of sorts. Where we don’t really want change. Where our ego would prefer more of the same. Perhaps it was a relationship that was fantastic. Or perhaps we had the job where we had the best boss ever. It is never off the table. That is to say, the universe can bring us something…

To Live a Rewarding Life You are more than you might know Nature is never finished. Always ready for another (new) expression. You are that nature personified. So … imagine if you will … that you (your ego) makes a list of what you would like to do and your Soul makes a list of what it might like to do. Are those two lists the same? Just pause for a moment and ask yourself that question. What answer(s) do you get? Unless your parents where totally tuned in to their own souls’ inspirations, you were imprinted with a rather shut down trajectory for your life. It is quite the norm, really. People settle into a rather constant and unchanging narrative for their life. But at our essence, we desire a rich and full engagement of all that life has to offer. I say this because I spent the first…