


The Villain is also the Teacher You can’t get triggered if … So, who in your life is “giving” you the most grief? Who can get under your skin, so to speak? Push your buttons. Yank your chain. Trip your triggers. Those people are a gift to you. There is a most curious thing about karma … regardless if the student is ready, the teacher will arrive. lol  A play on the saying “when the student is ready, the teacher will arrive.” Karma has an elegance to it. It is a perfect law that the universe abides by. We attract to ourselves our (karmic) teachers. And often, at least early in our spiritual journey, those teachers are also our villains. But I didn’t ask for that a**hole in my life. Well, actually you did. My enemy is my greatest teacher. ~ Dalai Lama Those who can push your buttons are giving you…

What is your Karmic Cadence? Karma, like gravity, is impersonal. In any one moment, you are either releasing karma, experiencing no change in your karma or taking on more karma. How you are changing, as it relates to how much karma you have, can be a choice. So many people don’t pay any attention to their karma. At all. There are even “spiritual teachers” that are teaching false principles that are actually increasing their followers’ karma. Anger, bad! Don’t ever show anger. Expressing anger is not spiritually correct. Yeah … right. Suppressing my anger is what kicked my karmic ass for the first decades of my life. lol Karma is very impersonal. All of reality is impersonal, really. Wait a minute, that can’t be right. Right? I suppose there are millions if not billions of folks that have a bone to pick with their karma. Perhaps so. But the mechanisms…

What you focus on … expands Where are you putting your attention? There is a thing about gratitude that can have an effect on your future. When you are grateful for something that is already in your life, you are putting your attention on what you are grateful for. By putting your attention on what has already been created, even though it is already here, it primes your future for more of the same. It is like you are ordering more of that thing. Likewise, when you are putting your attention on what you don’t want and having it elicit an emotional response, you are solidifying it in your future. It might seem that you are just and worthy to have a vile hatred of something that is horrible. Certainly this planet has plenty of horrific things happening on it. But what the hell? There is a recorder of sorts,…

As You Are The Life that You are Living So, what are you experiencing? What do your days feel like? What is your overall mental demeanor? What is your overall emotional demeanor? These demeanors determine the core of your daily experiences. Well, that and some other things. Can you offend a mirror? Can you overwhelm a mirror? I am not talking about physically, but rather, just with an image. Stand in front of a mirror, and try to startle it. Maybe take it outside on a clear night, and look at the reflection of the night sky. Now that is a BIG image. The mirror isn’t even trying hard. It does all it does with ease. Without bias or preferences. With no agenda of its own. Impersonal and indifferent. Every reflected image has the same merit. No image has a status above another. Quantum Cornflakes. Quantum Doughnuts. Quantum Nuclear Kaboomies.…

Is Life happening by You or to You? Karma can shift your perspective What if … you were born on the other side of the planet? In a completely different household? Who, or perhaps what, would you be now? In other words, how would your personality be different? Perhaps the polar opposite of what it is now. The “who” that you are now was all learned and/or imprinted on you. If you were to think of the metaphorical opposite of who you are now, could you become that now? For example, if you have a chronic disease now, could you become vibrant and healthy? If you are low income now, could you become high income? Can you see what I am getting at here? There is an energy to your upbringing. There is a mental construct to your mental demeanor. There is an emotional conditioning to you now. These things,…

Caught up in Your own Reflection The world … out there is you The birthplace of your past, is what you are “seeing” right now. Yet we are always in the process of creation. I guess you could say that what we are seeing, moment to moment, is the result of our creation. The moment, this moment, passes … it is in our past. We never see the same moment twice. At least from our egos’ perspective. I could have spent my whole life living by what I see. In other words, if I had never been cracked open, I could have spent the rest of my life observing the results of my creation process. Not observing the actual creation process. But rather only the results. Om …. Om … Om … (the silent sound of meditation ;- ) Our mind is quite the player in this thing called life.…

What Narratives are You running? Who do you think you are? You can sprinkle flour on the kitchen floor, to see if you’ve been sleepwalking. But how can you tell where you are really stuck? The thing is, our ego cannot even comprehend the vision our soul has for our life. It’s like, magically, sending someone in the 13th century a hand-held DVD player, with a built-in screen, and the first Star Wars movie ready to play. A 13th century mind couldn’t wrap its head around what it was looking at. Yet, here in the future, we are accustomed to such stories and technologies. No big deal. So, your soul has a similar relationship to who you might become, over the coming years and decades. Your soul, having a metaphorical DVD storyline that is in resonance with your life purpose. And your ego gets to decide if it happens at…

What You FOCUS On Your Word is Your Wand You are voting in every moment. You “vote” based on what you put your attention on. The process of creation is happening in every moment. You are always in the “creator” role. The clearer you are about what you want to create, the more power you have. Vague intentions create vague results. There is an understanding, as far as “hijacking” human consciousness, that says if you can get the masses to believe it, it will surely be. Perhaps it is clearer to you, over the past few years, how there is a specific effort to control the collective narrative. So many folks are peddling their narrative, and want it to be taken on as THE narrative of the masses. And to have the opposite narratives discounted or even banned. The desire to be able to label a viewpoint as “dis-information” and…

Every day is Election day You vote with your attention Today, you are “voting” on your tomorrow. The mechanics of creation are “on” all the time. Election day is every day. We have perfectly crafted our lives, up to this minute, this now, from all of our attention from our past, by what we have elected to put our attention on, day after day. The momentum effect, the momentum of our karma, is largely a product of our subconscious. It is really a very graceful thing. It is a mechanism that says … if you haven’t learned the karmic lesson, all of the energy of your refusal to witness, and accept … what is, all of that energy will be pushed into your subconscious. This energy will “contribute” to this now, this moment, until you resolve it. There is the notion of a standing wave. A wave that is present…

Where is Your Sense of Self? Who do you think you are? So let’s mangle “reality” a bit. Shall we? So, if we asked one thousand people to answer a few questions … Say like, is the world safe or is it dangerous? Is life happening to you, or can you change anything about your life? Is Love easy or hard? Does God hold my salvation? The questions, per se, are not the information we are looking for. But rather, the answers. As we would, metaphorically, read through the results, we could soon see that there are thousands of different viewpoints, attitudes and beliefs, all being experiences … by an ego. One by one. Each “reality” unique yet very “real.” So, how about your ego? Let’s take a jump back, to the day you were born. Just a newborn little baby. Ohhh my … nice butt! On this “birth”day ……

You can’t exhaust the (quantum) mirror Every reflection has the same merit How do you “burden” a mirror? I mean, really, it just reflects other things. No matter how big. Any image a mirror reflects, has the same “merit” as any other image. I have been using the metaphor of a mirror a lot lately. It fits so well. It fits the nature of how we create our “reality.” Is the world “safe” or “dangerous?” Your belief, an internal attribute, will decide this for you. It is done unto you as you believe. Our beliefs are an inside job. And yet, they “decide” how we experience the world outside of us. The world outside of us is a reflection of (the inside of) us. Are you karma’s b*tch? Is karma happening to you? Or is your karma a reflection of you? Is karma an inside job? One of the, perhaps,…