
new human living


You have your BEST future within you now What is it going to be? … so … what do you want? Can you (at least) start to answer that right away? Do you know what you want? Is it clear to you? If you can, bravo! If you drew a blank, with no real answer, well then, it will be hard to know in which direction to go. Heaven and Hell will both be experienced … today. This day. Heaven might look like the Love flowing out of a firstborn’s parents at the moment of birth. Or the first time a grandparent holds their first grandchild. Or perhaps the love of a parent to (finally ;- ) see their only child married, and thus soon to be finally moving out (humor). And hell? Human trafficking, child trafficking, war, rape and the list goes on and on. So, when you paused…

The Hand in the Glove Get a Grip When we look at the journey of the Soul, we can see some aspects of the journey that can help us get our bearings. Get a clearer understanding of “where we are going.” You might say we start the journey out as Soul. Living by the wisdom of our Soul, in the sense that the ego doesn’t have much say or sway in our psyche. You might say that the journey into the shadow or darkness, is the shifting of our Soul consciousness, into  our ego. In other words, if you were to keep track of all your thoughts, day by day, what percent would you say is coming from your ego? And what percentage is coming from your Soul? Perhaps the journey into the shadow, is the journey into our egos. The ego, by design, was not intended to be the…

Who ARE You … really? When your Soul was born … you had no karma. And you had no relationships with any-thing. No experiences to hone your own personal preferences. A rookie to the human experience… Fast forward through a few hundred or even thousands of lifetimes incarnate. Now you have karma. And you have relationships too. You have a personality of preferences as well. By Divine plan. You, in flesh and bones, are the Creator incarnate. The Creator incarnate. You are a point of presence of the Divine. God Consciousness with flesh and bones. We are here for the human experience. You have to have a ticket. Your ticket is your body. This whole holodeck of Divine consciousness is for the experiences of BEing. It is God’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom of Heaven. In fact, you already ARE it. Heaven exists within you now. Right Now.…