
life journey


The Ever-Evolving You! Without End You are never stuck. Well, unless you think you are. And even then, you can always re-decide. We are souls well-established on our journeys. We have loaded up our psyches with karma from our past. And this karma creates a momentum of sorts. A consistency of sorts in our everyday experiences. A lot of this momentum is found in our subconscious. You can imagine a huge supertanker out in the ocean. Laden with cargo. Riding low in the water. The top speed is quite slow. If this immense amount of mass wanted to just turn around, it might take an hour. And a mile of space in which to do it. Loaded up. Lots of inertia. The last moment similar to this moment. In a lot of ways, this metaphor is similar to ourselves. At least collectively. We have loaded up our psyches with karma.…

This too … will pass There are no permanent markers We are never stuck. We are (eternally) free. It just doesn’t seem that way when we are marching on a linear timeline. There have been many people sharing with me lately how their life is in despair. But this too … will pass. There is nothing that can impede our journey, at least not forever. It might seem a little silly, but we get a “master reset” when we transition. If you lost a leg, in a previous life from perhaps a WWI mishap, poof, you get a new one in this life. How cool is THAT? The idea that when the ego tires of the back-to-back challenges of this life and takes on a “this life is finished” attitude, is a short-term temporal notion. There  is ALWAYS another lesson. Another chapter of sorts in your life. But to be…

Your Divine Human Blueprint What shall You become? In a way, we are a long way from “home.” But it isn’t that we are gone. We chose, as Souls, to “go for a trip.” And what a long strange trip it has been. As I prepared for this week’s podcast, I recognized an aspect of the evolution of our consciousness. We have collectively been “living” with our awareness on the physical world. And that has served us very well. But I think there is a possible snag. I say snag, because we are never stuck. What I mean by snag could also be said as a karmic detour. If we, as a collective, keep our attention and our sciences on the physical world, we will miss, perhaps, the Divine idea of BEing an evolved human being. The Divine has you all set for quite the evolutionary journey. You already have…