
life changes


Are You stuck at the Stop sign? When will you be ready to go … again? Have you ever had your life turned on its head? Where your life was turned upside down by some unexpected event? Perhaps you had someone close to you die unexpectedly. Or a tornado or such destroyed your home. But then, there is a type of trauma that can set in, when we have a very difficult circumstance to endure. My father comes to mind. To fight in a war had scarred him very deeply. And my cousin comes to mind as well. He was falsely accused of a crime, and spent over a year in a foreign jail as a foreigner. Only to be released and cleared of all charges. I know these examples cover a broad range of circumstances, but they all can metaphorically paralyze us to some degree. Where we have stopped…

Karma has a Cadence. What is your Karma’s Cadence? What is the Cadence of your Karma? Cadence of Karma? What? There are several ways this could be taken. How fast/slow we take on karma. How fast/slow we can make changes in our life. And if a tortoise and karma were in a race … ;- ) What we will be noodling in this blog is the second one. How fast/slow we can make changes in our lives. I guess you could also think of it as how “attached” you are with the archetypes you are playing out in your life. Perhaps you have been playing out the “victim” archetype. And now you are tired of it. OK, well, change it. Or rather, change YOU. Ready … set … GO! (Here is where the cadence of your karma comes in.) How quickly or slowly can you make changes to your life?…

Out with the Old … In with the New Shifting into the New Year The winds of change are upon us. Nobody has to be told that the world is changing. Humanity is going  though more change(s) than perhaps any time in our history. And here we are. So, what’s it going to be? There is a bit of an opportunity here. If, metaphorically, everything has been turned on its head, then you too can completely redesign yourself. (You always can.) But the notion I want to look at closer is your authentic preferences. You really didn’t have an ego, to speak of, the day you were born. No sentencing, no preferences, per se. And it was in your family of origin that your ego was created. Your ego, by its very nature, is a creature of habits or patterns. You could say we installed a groundwork of habits and…