Taking the Soul Perspective There are no mistakes Did you read the fine print? Before you chose to incarnate into this lifetime of yours, did you read the fine print? It can seem like a karmic tsunami gone bad. I mean, there is talk of another world war. There is so much suffering and division. And the karma, so you think, you can metaphorically cut with a knife. What went “wrong?” There is “no” wrong. The thing is, is that Source Consciousness/Prime Creator/God chose to create the realm of duality. To explore. To explore infinite potential. Infinite. Without end. We are never stuck. Not on the Divine scale of time. All things will resolve. All of creation will, eventually, return to Source. Our ego can easily become consumed by the vast amounts of information that we sort through as we go about our day. And the BS that we bump…
Love has a Wisdom to it Love You Let’s take a journey of sorts. To imagine the journey of Consciousness. In the beginning was the Light. I would suggest this was the radiant field of Unconditional Love. Perhaps also called Source, or Christ, Consciousness. Without form, posture or preference. This is the fabric or substance of all that will be created. Ever. Fast forward 6 billion years. Now we have the Earth and upon this Earth the Human BEing. A vehicle of experience. In other words, how a Soul can come into form to experience what it is like to have the human experience. What it feels like to take on karma. To separate from our innate power. And so forth. When a new Soul is born, just like a new baby, there is no preference or opinion. As we incarnate, and take on karma, we are traversing a scale…
Chop the Wood, Carry the Water Life after Enlightenment Are you on a spiritual journey? Are you looking to evolve your own spirituality? Which way is Heaven? There is a notion, that once you “become” enlightened, that all of your worries fade away. The journey to enlightenment is not a creation. You do not add anything to yourself to “become” enlightened. You are enlightened now. We all are. I guess it could be said that the notion of “becoming enlightened” is the idea of your ego, becoming aware of the Light that has always been inside of you at your core. Perhaps to become enlightened is to become aware. The Light is and always has been at your core. There is still the laundry to do. Enlightenment doesn’t change that. When you discover the Light at your core, there are still the daily tasks that need to be done. Chop…
The Natural Cycles of Life … inhale … exhale … repeat Nature is never finished. You are that nature expressing (it/your)self. We are seeing the “first light.” That first glimpse of the New Human. For eons of time, humanity has been in a very repetitive cycle of sorts. Here on Planet Earth, humanity has loaded up its psyche with so much karmic imprinting. This karmic momentum has kept us in very small narratives. The tendency is that the more karma you have, the narrower your narrative. In a sense, our egos really like this. In the sense that everything is much more predictable, and therefore, “safer.” The unknown is just too big of a risk. The Divine Feminine IS the unknown. The undefined. The Divine Masculine is the known, the physical, the well-defined. We have lived within a gigantic ego overdose, you might say. Or perhaps, a testosterone overdose. And now the pendulum swings the…
Celebrating the Christ Within The Kingdom of Heaven is Within (You Now) Wishing You and Yours a very Merry Christmas!The great spiritual geniuses, whether it was Moses, Buddha, Plato, Socrates, Jesus, or Emerson….. have taught man to look within himself to find God. ~ Ernest Holmes.The celebration of the Christ, is the celebration of the Christ Consciousness…. when Jesus was spending his last days on Earth, he was nowhere close to “saving humanity.” The Roman Empire was expanding its intentions of war. The suffering of humanity was expanding. Jesus didn’t even come close to “saving mankind.” He never intended to be the (sole) savior of humanity.Enter You (and me)…. you will do everything that I have done, and more. ~ JesusIf Jesus (ever) intended to “save humanity,” it was through the awakening of the Divine within us all. Yet, for the organized religions that come from Jesus’s time on Earth,…
Faith: Having no thought contrary Where are You going? Just like a new sheet of paper, pure white, undiluted, you can create any image on it as you so choose. Or perhaps the metaphor of new film. No blemishes or distortions, ready for a clean image capture. I have always liked newly fallen snow as an indicator of purity. Pure white. If we think of faith, having no thought contrary, we can think of new film as a “virgin” exposure. No previous imprinting. This purity can be found in the metaphor of the Phoenix rising. Where the fire has cleansed and purged any old dogmas. If we think of a mirror, there is no effort there… at all. With exactly the same effort, or perhaps ease, the mirror will easily show us the blemish on our cheek, or the Milky Way galaxy. No difference whatsoever. The physics of the quantum…
Merry Christ Consciousness The return of the Christ (Consciousness) First things first… Wishing You and Yours a very Merry Christmas! We are (literally) living in new times. December 21, 2020 was the end of one precession of the equinox, and the beginning of a new equinox. A precession of an equinox is an (approximately) 25,000-year cycle, which is the amount of time the Earth/Solar System takes to complete one cycle around our galaxy. So, as of this past Monday, we are living in “new times.” With this transition, from the last precession into this new one, we are entering a new realm of space. As all cycles of nature include a compression of sorts, followed by an expansion of sorts, we have now entered a new cycle of expansion. This is really good news. A rising tide lifts all boats. This new expansive cycle will promote an expansion within ourselves.…