Nobody but You It is all created by You There is a choice that we can make, but for so many, that choice isn’t “available.” For so many people, they tend to live much of their life in a perpetual state of re-acting. Instead of constantly re-acting in the very same way over and over, we can make a new choice and thus a new outcome. But only if we are aware that the choice exists. Reactive patterns tend to base themselves on our emotions. And yet, it is not the emotions themselves that “cause” the re-action. It is the mind. It is a kind of patterning that is often “programmed” into us by our family of origin. In other words, when we are literally creating our ego, growing up as a child, there would be common emotions that perhaps the whole family would posture with. And as a child,…
From the Inside Out Karma is always an inside job Have you ever learned something that totally changed how you experience your life? Or perhaps how you approach your “problems” or “lessons?” I am learning just how fortunate I was when my life changed forever. It took me several decades to pick it apart. Picking apart what had happened when my life changed so much. The unraveling of myself, really. I mean, I am still finding a deeper understanding of what that change was that I went through. I have shared many times how the unexpected sudden release of emotions from my psyche was a big turning point in my life. There is no way I would have found it on my own. Not at the level that I did. I never would have known just how much of my life was on a sort of autopilot. Where my ego/mind…
What Narratives are You running? Who do you think you are? You can sprinkle flour on the kitchen floor, to see if you’ve been sleepwalking. But how can you tell where you are really stuck? The thing is, our ego cannot even comprehend the vision our soul has for our life. It’s like, magically, sending someone in the 13th century a hand-held DVD player, with a built-in screen, and the first Star Wars movie ready to play. A 13th century mind couldn’t wrap its head around what it was looking at. Yet, here in the future, we are accustomed to such stories and technologies. No big deal. So, your soul has a similar relationship to who you might become, over the coming years and decades. Your soul, having a metaphorical DVD storyline that is in resonance with your life purpose. And your ego gets to decide if it happens at…
Chop the Wood, Carry the Water Life after Enlightenment Are you on a spiritual journey? Are you looking to evolve your own spirituality? Which way is Heaven? There is a notion, that once you “become” enlightened, that all of your worries fade away. The journey to enlightenment is not a creation. You do not add anything to yourself to “become” enlightened. You are enlightened now. We all are. I guess it could be said that the notion of “becoming enlightened” is the idea of your ego, becoming aware of the Light that has always been inside of you at your core. Perhaps to become enlightened is to become aware. The Light is and always has been at your core. There is still the laundry to do. Enlightenment doesn’t change that. When you discover the Light at your core, there are still the daily tasks that need to be done. Chop…
What is it going to be? It is done unto You as You believe There is a curious thing … about our egos. In our society, the ego can easily “move in” and consume all of our day-to-day consciousness. Life in the fast brain. Think Think Think. But there is another realm of our persona. It wasn’t obvious to me for many years. Decades, really. But there is another aspect of who we are that has an idea of what our life might be. A vision of our life, that was put in place before we were even born. One of the things I think is lacking in this world of ours is a persona that is living just the opposite. In other words, instead of living our lives from our ego alone, living our lives from the perspective of our hearts. Sure, there are folks that do live with…
Your Divine Human Blueprint What shall You become? In a way, we are a long way from “home.” But it isn’t that we are gone. We chose, as Souls, to “go for a trip.” And what a long strange trip it has been. As I prepared for this week’s podcast, I recognized an aspect of the evolution of our consciousness. We have collectively been “living” with our awareness on the physical world. And that has served us very well. But I think there is a possible snag. I say snag, because we are never stuck. What I mean by snag could also be said as a karmic detour. If we, as a collective, keep our attention and our sciences on the physical world, we will miss, perhaps, the Divine idea of BEing an evolved human being. The Divine has you all set for quite the evolutionary journey. You already have…
Emotional Freedom The (re) integration of your subconscious So … what’s in your sub-conscious? The very notion of “sub-conscious” is that we are not conscious of it. Off our radar. Yet our subconscious can “shut down” whole arenas of choices. Without our awareness that it is happening. How can we consider ourselves powerful if there are aspects of ourselves that we are not aware of? So, what is the difference between a very powerful person and, perhaps, a homeless person that is having a tough time just trying to get through the day? The curious thing about working with consciousness … is that it is ethereal. Undetectable by our five senses. We can’t see our own thought processes as we go throughout our day. We can’t “see” what factors our subconscious is weighing with our every choice. This can be a very big deal. Epic really. If, indeed, we are…
What did You get out of 2020? There are always gifts woven within the struggles First things first … Happy New Year!!! 2020 did provide bountiful harvests … for those who had the courage to do the work. What if … 2020 was just like 2019? Would that have been “better?” We would not be on the trajectory of change that we are on now. We would be quite a bit more unconscious. Our trajectory would not have anywhere near the freedom and awareness that the real 2020 has brought us. When I say “freedom and awareness” what I am talking about is You. The thing is … when things are “easy” we tend to ignore ourselves. We tend to ignore our subconscious tendencies. We would be thinking about vacations, sports teams, social gatherings, movies and such. And these things typically do not bring about (deep) change. If we are…