Grow Your Sense of Self
We are never completely stuck
There are octaves or spectrums of wisdom within you now. Perhaps without end. You always have another moment. Thus, you always have another moment to make a new choice and thus create a new outcome.
One of the aspects I have noticed within myself is my soul. Of course my soul has “been here” my whole life. But I, as my ego, didn’t recognize the intelligence or wisdom of my soul until more recently. It is not that I am psychic enough where I “see” my soul and have some kind of mystical interaction with it. But rather, it is that still small voice within me now. Although the still small voice is here if I look/listen for it, the insights it has for me are anything but small.
There are no requirements for ourselves. We are given fierce free agency to choose, or not to choose, whatever we choose to. Our future is undecided until we decide. In other words, our egos can be like a lowest common denominator in our lives. Where our ego decides everything. Many people live in this space. I certainly did for the first several decades of my life. Where the still small voice of our soul is completely ignored all throughout our days. It is certainly easy to live that way. But …
There are untold riches held within us that we can choose to harvest if we are brave enough. Even to use the word brave seems like a bit of a stretch, in that our souls have been here before. Well, perhaps not right here and right now. But we all have incarnated before in our past lives. Past lives. And here we are, after our past lives have ended. We most certainly “died” in our past lives, but here we are (again). No matter what happens in this life, we will always move on. The continuity of our consciousness is assured. There are countless NDE (near death experience) videos online where people share a strikingly similar accounts of themselves “dying” and then returning to their body and returning to their life.
This human experience we are living is an ongoing experience that we, our egos, can’t break. Likewise, since the Sense of Self that we are, from the soul’s perspective, is timeless. We are a soul first and foremost. A soul. One who lives lifetime after lifetime. There is nothing you can do about that, at least from the perspective of your ego. Yet it is our ego that can be scared to death of … well, dying. Oh no, I might do it wrong. I might fail. I might lose it all. Nope. That can’t happen. Your ego has no say in that whatsoever. And thank God for that. ;- )
When you start to serenade your soul, so to speak, and bring the wisdom of your soul into your everyday thinking, choices and actions, there is an expansion that happens. If I ask my soul what are some options or new timelines that are possible for my life, I am shown new possibilities. From my soul’s perspective, if I am willing, there are countless possibilities for my life right now. Regardless of my age or circumstances. Yet, it is most often that our egos opt out of those possibilities. Where the notion of change can seem daunting. But that sense of daunting is purely from the ego’s perspective. The soul has no worries or concerns. The soul knows there will always be new opportunities, without end.
Perhaps one of the most powerful things you can do with this lifetime of yours, is to trust. That is not always easy, at least at first. To learn how to follow and trust the wisdom of your soul can change everything. To shift your stance, from your ego to your soul, can open up new opportunities for this life of yours now. It can take some deeper understanding, from your ego’s perspective, to know why it is a good idea to loosen up our grip on the proverbial steering wheel of our life. To trust that if our soul is showing us a possible timeline for this life, that there is certainly a way for it to come about. This is where the trust comes in. To actually fulfill a whole new timeline, the ego would do well to trust the journey. Trust that the soul, from its vastly deeper wisdom, can lead us to those outcomes.
To shift your view of your own future, from your ego’s perspective to your soul’s perspective, is to grow your sense of self. It takes a bit of shifting of your consciousness to teach your ego to stand back a bit, and allow that deeper wisdom to show up for you today. This day. All through this day. But it will not happen unless you choose for it to happen. The choice is (always) yours.
Love You
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