The Villain is also the Teacher
You can’t get triggered if …
So, who in your life is “giving” you the most grief? Who can get under your skin, so to speak? Push your buttons. Yank your chain. Trip your triggers. Those people are a gift to you.
There is a most curious thing about karma … regardless if the student is ready, the teacher will arrive. lol A play on the saying “when the student is ready, the teacher will arrive.” Karma has an elegance to it. It is a perfect law that the universe abides by. We attract to ourselves our (karmic) teachers. And often, at least early in our spiritual journey, those teachers are also our villains. But I didn’t ask for that a**hole in my life. Well, actually you did.
My enemy is my greatest teacher. ~ Dalai Lama
Those who can push your buttons are giving you a gift. There is a mechanism to karma where we attract those people around us that most reflect our own shadow. The more energy (inner chi) we have suppressed in our subconscious, the stronger the signal we are giving to the Law of Attraction (LOA). Our own subconscious, or rather the energy behind our subconscious, is like a beacon we broadcast in every moment of every day of our lives. You could, perhaps, be able to discern the core elements of your subconscious, by observing the core people in your life.
Actually, we could perhaps take it to a level deeper. We could consider the notion of the quantum mirror. The idea behind the quantum mirror is that the “reality” we see and experience is a projection of our own consciousness. It has been said that our waking life is actually the dream. In other words, we are dreaming the world around us. If you think of your soul, before you were born, that “you” is more “you” than this ego you have grown for yourself. In other words, you had a soul the day you were born, but you didn’t have an ego the day you were born. Your soul is the timeless part of “you.” When your soul decided to incarnate as well … You … it entered a dream world of sorts.
This world we are “dreaming” is literally created for us by our own consciousness. So, if you and I were sitting at a table at a nice cafe, chatting about the nature of consciousness, the table you could “see” and the table I could “see” would be, in one way, the same table, and yet in another way two “different” tables. The (whole) world you perceive is a projection of your consciousness. We could go a bit deeper here and say, that it is Source Consciousness, in you, thorough you, as you, that creates the “world” you see. If you were to transition or die, you would not have the experience of sitting at the table at the cafe. You would see it, perhaps, as your angels see you now. Looking “in” from the other side of the veil. The quantum mirror is what “reflects” this consciousness back to us, that our senses use to construct the world we live in.
I get it. To see this life as a dream can make us think “but I feel it so clearly.” It doesn’t seem correct. I mean, if I run in front of a speeding bus, it will feel very real. I can knock on the table before me now. Again, it feels very real. It is quite a holodeck of creation, really. A holodeck, referring to the holodeck room in the Star Trek television/movie series where you can enter the room, and the (computer-driven) holodeck can create any environment you could imagine. One moment, the holodeck would create perhaps Paris, France as the place you are standing. And it would seem as real as could be. And the next time, you could be standing at the North Pole freezing your nice butt off. Although the experiences seem totally “real” it is a projection of the holodeck computer. Likewise, the world you are experiencing now, reading this sentence on whatever device you are using, is a projection of your consciousness, or rather, the projection of Source, or God, Consciousness, in you, through you, as you. I know this conversation might seem like the deep end of the “karmic pool.” But I think it is an important part of understanding the nature of our human experience.
Back to the attracting our teachers. I had a lot of anger in my subconscious that I was totally unaware of. And, through the law of attraction, I attracted to me my karmic teachers to reflect my own anger back to me. This was all happening without my conscious awareness. I had attracted to me a “villain” of sorts. In my situation, he was my boss. He could poke my (subconscious) anger every day, and I would go home emotionally wiped out. This happened for a decade, eventually putting me on a psychiatrist’s couch. Which led me to discover the immense amount of anger that I had accumulated in my subconscious. Once I connected to a large part of my anger, and released and healed it, my boss was no longer interested in pushing my buttons. You could say my “buttons” were no longer having the same influence on me, in that there wasn’t as strong of an emotional reaction once I released the lion’s share of my anger. That “button” just didn’t have the same effect on me. My teacher, my angry boss, disappeared once I had learned my (karmic) lesson.
That lesson was to not suppress or harbor anger over time. But rather, to learn how to express it as I go through my life. The only reason it existed as a karmic lesson was because I had a dysfunctional approach (to avoid it at all cost) towards how I dealt with, or didn’t deal with, my anger. That angry boss was my villain and also my angel. He was perhaps one of the most important soul contracts I had in this lifetime. He “cracked me open.” Meaning he eventually connected me with my own anger by stirring it up in me every day for a decade. I sincerely thank him for being such a diligent villain. Had I quit my job because of my abusive boss, the law of attraction would have found me a new teacher. We attract teachers until the lesson(s) are learned. There is a mental understanding or clarity that comes from the lessons, and there is also an energetic release, letting my anger out, that is part of learning the lessons. I hope this is making sense.
Don’t run away from your teachers, those villains, that are there to show you what you haven’t resolved in your psyche. You will just start all over with yet another teacher. Learn from the teachers in your life now. They are a gift, waiting for you to unwrap (learn) what they are there to teach you about yourself.
Love You!
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