Taking the Soul Perspective There are no mistakes Did you read the fine print? Before you chose to incarnate into this lifetime of yours, did you read the fine print? It can seem like a karmic tsunami gone bad. I mean, there is talk of another world war. There is so much suffering and division. And the karma, so you think, you can metaphorically cut with a knife. What went “wrong?” There is “no” wrong. The thing is, is that Source Consciousness/Prime Creator/God chose to create the realm of duality. To explore. To explore infinite potential. Infinite. Without end. We are never stuck. Not on the Divine scale of time. All things will resolve. All of creation will, eventually, return to Source. Our ego can easily become consumed by the vast amounts of information that we sort through as we go about our day. And the BS that we bump…
Riding the Waves of Change The Cycles of Nature The only constant in life is change. ~ Heraclitus Did life seem simpler when you were younger? Was it easier to keep up with what is happening in the world? The rate of change is changing. It is speeding up. There are more scientists, inventors and creatives than ever before. And all of those folks have far more access to computers, libraries, published works and the like. Change is here to stay. Sometimes change(s) are tough to take. The loss of a loved one. A divorce. An incapacitating injury. These are individual changes. Changes in one’s life. There are also collective changes. Changes that we all experience. 2020 brought so much change to all of us. Life-changing changes, to billions of people. Overwhelming millions of people. Don’t let go of the rudder. We can easily be overwhelmed with the chaos that…
The Natural Cycles of Life … inhale … exhale … repeat Nature is never finished. You are that nature expressing (it/your)self. We are seeing the “first light.” That first glimpse of the New Human. For eons of time, humanity has been in a very repetitive cycle of sorts. Here on Planet Earth, humanity has loaded up its psyche with so much karmic imprinting. This karmic momentum has kept us in very small narratives. The tendency is that the more karma you have, the narrower your narrative. In a sense, our egos really like this. In the sense that everything is much more predictable, and therefore, “safer.” The unknown is just too big of a risk. The Divine Feminine IS the unknown. The undefined. The Divine Masculine is the known, the physical, the well-defined. We have lived within a gigantic ego overdose, you might say. Or perhaps, a testosterone overdose. And now the pendulum swings the…
Don’t run with scissors … throw them … overhand Life is a daring adventure There is an inherent part of consciousness that wants to express. Over and over. Just look at nature. Never really done creating new expressions. The many types of flowers and their beautiful blossoms. Or all the creatures in the seas. Then there is … you. As an aspect of nature, you have an inherent part of you that wants to express … more. Sometimes we don’t really feel very fulfilled. We can get into a bit of a rut. Certainly, the last couple of years has had many people kind of stop their normal life and go into a holding pattern. There is so much change going on in the world outside of you. But there is a part of you, on the inside, that is not worried. The truth of you cannot be touched by…