


Your SuperHero Cape in the Closet The evolution of who you are The curious thing about our spiritual evolution is that is it a returning of sorts. We were once there and now we are on our way back. In other words, we came from being enlightened, into the darkness, or shadow. And now we are on the return. The return to our truth. A return to our enlightenment. It is not that we are not enlightened now, because we are. We are always enlightened. We are always connected to our truth. You might not feel that enlightenment within you now. But it is there. Like a superhero cape tucked in the back of your closet. I find it very curious that Western science tells us that we are only using 10 percent of our brains. And they also tell us that  90 percent of our DNA is junk. As if…

The time has come to live your Divine potential The villains have been revealed. The desires for change have been heard. There is a strong yearning for Peace, Justice, Prosperity and a renewed sense of Community. The beginnings of Heaven on Earth. Cue the Super Hero (You!). You have been to wardrobe. (That cape really makes the color of your eyes shine 😉 You have been to makeup, but your radiant shine made all of that unnecessary. You started reading your script but you threw it away, deciding to “Just Wing It.” (The sign of an expert Super Hero.) Your life up to now has helped you shape your own desires. What you prefer. You know your favorite foods. And the soundtrack? It plays all of your favorites. The scene is set in this exact spot. You have taken all of the “karma classes” that have prepared you for the…