


Taking it on the Chin When are you going to learn? Where do you stand? What do you (really) believe in? What? There is certainly a bit of a tug-of-war going on in the media. Both Social and Mainstream media. Whether it is a discussion about what the best way is to handle our health, or perhaps, the political arena(s). Or any other of the many topics that are being debated online. It can take a bit of self-confidence to navigate your own personal evolution. Every time we raise our consciousness, we are shifting our perspective of our own life. When we share these new perspectives, we can get pushback. We can get critical feedback about our new perspectives. There is a gigantic evolution of human consciousness going on right now. And thank God. If we truly want to live in a better world, then change is a requirement. But…

Get Your EGO On Board Who is driving your life? You didn’t have an ego when you were born. Yet, through the desires of their egos is how most people navigate life. Your ego can decide, by not letting go, how your life will go. If your ego dominates ALL of your consciousness… Well, it would be easier to get a freight train through the eye of a needle … than for you to discover who you really are. ;- ) And the universe goes on. Time will wait forever. Although the universe has so much love for you, the love of the universe has no conditions. Do you want to descend into hell? Sure thing. Do you want to (re)connect with the Source Consciousness within you now? Sure thing. You will choose everything that you do. Either consciously choosing it, or subconsciously choosing it. Your ego typically has a…