


Growing Your Sense of Self Creating what you really want You are sitting in the best seat in the house … so to speak. But indeed, your life, right now, IS the time to enjoy the process of life itself. The only time you can feel anything … is right now. So, what DO you want to feel? Safe? Loved? Happy? Enlightened? Abundant? When we talk about our human experience, especially on this planet, there are two distinct arenas of living. Healing ourselves, and fulfilling ourselves. Kind of like a teeter-totter. Humanity, as a whole, is coming out of the dark ages. Karmically speaking, there is a huge swath of humanity that just wants life to be easier. To be able to feel better. The healing side of humanity. It isn’t like there is no joy in life until you completely heal. There can be joy and happiness all along…

Unraveling Our Past To re-unite with our Soul It does actually take conscious effort. Left unchecked, the ego will chase shadows until the end of time. It was, at least for a substantial part, our egos that loaded up our subconscious in the first place. You are infinite potential, in human form. But, so what? If you don’t do anything to e-x-p-a-n-d your sense of self, then, perhaps, you are just your ego looking for fulfillment in the reflection of the quantum mirror. In other words, looking for a deeper understanding of yourself, by chasing people, circumstances and a sense of validation from those external factors of your everyday life. The “world” you see outside of you, is a reflection of what is inside of you. Everything that pisses you off, is a reflection of unresolved parts of yourself on the inside of you that you have not resolved. Everything.…