
new opportunities


Grow Your Sense of Self We are never completely stuck There are octaves or spectrums of wisdom within you now. Perhaps without end. You always have another moment. Thus, you always have another moment to make a new choice and thus create a new outcome. One of the aspects I have noticed within myself is my soul. Of course my soul has “been here” my whole life. But I, as my ego, didn’t recognize the intelligence or wisdom of my soul until more recently. It is not that I am psychic enough where I “see” my soul and have some kind of mystical interaction with it. But rather, it is that still small voice within me now. Although the still small voice is here if I look/listen for it, the insights it has for me are anything but small. There are no requirements for ourselves. We are given fierce free…

The Choice is always Yours You are never stuck So … what do you want? What, in your life, do you want more of? What do you want less of? Or, perhaps, have you stopped deciding? We have certainly been through a lot of change(s). The past few years have given us all a lot to think about. Things are just not the same. To take the time, and think about what would make our life more enjoyable for us, is to hone what our life looks like. There has been so much change lately, that for many of us, we have not focused on what we really would prefer in our life. For many, their life gets more and more “normal” or perhaps familiar. Which can have us settle into a routine. We settle in, so to speak, to a daily pattern of repetition. But the very nature of…

To Live a Rewarding Life You are more than you might know Nature is never finished. Always ready for another (new) expression. You are that nature personified. So … imagine if you will … that you (your ego) makes a list of what you would like to do and your Soul makes a list of what it might like to do. Are those two lists the same? Just pause for a moment and ask yourself that question. What answer(s) do you get? Unless your parents where totally tuned in to their own souls’ inspirations, you were imprinted with a rather shut down trajectory for your life. It is quite the norm, really. People settle into a rather constant and unchanging narrative for their life. But at our essence, we desire a rich and full engagement of all that life has to offer. I say this because I spent the first…