


The Power of an Idea Honoring the Vision of your Soul We are living in such exciting times. This lifetime, this one right now, has a unique opportunity to it. How are you going to live your life? Day in and day out we can get comfortable in a sense of normalcy or predictability. The ego can really like knowing what will happen next. The unknown can feel unsettling and unsure. And for many of us, there is so much energetic upheaval within us. We are going though some big energetic shifts. The universe is upgrading us energetically. We are coming out of old energy. Old paradigms. Old stories of possibilities. And our mythology cannot show us what is next. For perhaps the first time in aeons of time, the next chapter of our human story is going into COMPLETELY new ground. Enter the notion of a Soul. Your Soul…

You push the large, heavy wooden doors open and walk into the room. All eyes land on you. Your inspirations have brought you to this day. This moment. Today is the result of you following your inspiration. It was you honoring your potential that made your dreams come true. As you take your place you remember the journey that has brought you here, a journey that at one point in your life you never thought possible. Yet here you are. When the idea had first come to you it seemed improbable. Impossible. But you gave yourself the permission, the power, to hope. As you look back over the journey you see the stepping stones, the incremental growth that changed who you are. That personal growth brought you into alignment with the very idea, the very dream you had, in that beginning moment. You trusted in yourself even through the darkness,…