


What makes You Happy? Happy is … what Happy does When was the last time you had a deep belly laugh? What are some activities that you really enjoy? How well do you know yourself? Happiness has no requirements of its own. If you are to put requirements on your happiness, you are limiting your happiness. I will be happy when … I get a job, get married (again), lose some weight, pay off my loan. Happiness doesn’t need any of that. None. Zippo. Nada. You are an eternal Soul having a human experience. Your ego can’t break that. No matter what. You are safe. The Truth of you is untouchable by human intentions. We all have an inner child. We all have a desire to have some fun. OK, perhaps we buried that desire to have some fun. Perhaps a metaphorical storm came through our life a while back,…

Connecting with your Higher Self Your Ego doesn’t know it all How is your life going? So far so good? Perfect. Wait, what? What if you answered that your life was not so good? Perhaps you feel like you have been through the proverbial ringer. Enough! Life has a way about it. The sage and the psychopath are both swimming in the same “sea.” The same world. So what gives? Nobody has the same karma as you do. Not the exact same karma. Your life path(s), through this lifetime and all the lifetimes before this one, has created … well … you. The more I have studied this human experience, I have found that we have several core factors that contribute a lot to how we see ourselves. The ego, our emotions, and our Higher Self or Soul. The first two, our ego and our emotions, are where most of…