Change Your Karmic Momentum Karma, like gravity, is impersonal The scale that our human persona can be “programmed,” so to speak, is vast and deep. When we take on more and more karma, the probabilities of our future collapse into a much narrower range of possibilities. When I talk about our psyche being “programmed,” it can happen on many different levels. We can program ourselves, and others can program us, if we are not conscious about it. In this blog, I will talk about how we program our own psyches. The elephant in the room, so to speak, at least how it relates to our programming, is our childhood. Look no further than your family of origin to see where the deepest ingrained imprinting has happened in this lifetime of yours. We can easily think that we have grown out of it. That is to say, as adults, we can…
Spend it all, then spend some more Love It! If you were to imagine “building” your dream life, I could ask you “what’s your budget?” I mean, we need to live within our means … right? But wait … what if there were a currency that E-X-P-A-N-D-E-D as you spent it? Where the more you spent, the more of it you had? What then? Introducing “LOVE.” Love is the most curious thing. Not only is it the fabric of all that is, but there is always more of it to be had. Love, at first, is not for rookies. Well, yes it is. But what I mean is, if you have held BIG Love at bay your whole life, Love can be quite an intense experience. I remember moments with Love, that brought me to my knees. Overwhelmed by the massive and intense expansion I was feeling in the moment.…
Vibrational Equivalence The Nature of Karma There is an elegance. A grace you might say. What I am talking about is the mechanics of karma. I would say it is very similar to how a mirror works. A mirror is very graceful. It, without effort or motive, simply reflects back what is “shown” to it. How you experience “reality” is just as graceful. For what you are experiencing is your own personal energy persona, being reflected back to you through the quantum mirror. It is an impersonal reflection of … yourself. Your karma fabricates your experience of your “reality,” and yet it is impersonal. Karma, like gravity, is impersonal and indifferent. When we desire something, and perhaps have a difficult time creating it, that difficulty is based on the presence of incongruent energies within our personal energy persona. Our karma itself. The more karma you have in your personal energy…
Karmic Concrete Where is your Spiritual Trajectory taking You?? There is a trajectory, or perhaps a velocity, to our spiritual journey. No, it is not a race. But if your life isn’t changing, I mean evolving, then you are stuck in a karmic concrete of sorts. The only constant in life is change. ~ Heraclitus My life was slowly getting pinched off. It was collapsing in on me. In other words, my choices, that I preferred and thus chose … that arena of choices was getting smaller and smaller. I was shutting myself down in a way. Right before I got cracked open, with an unexpected release of emotions, I was boxing myself in regarding my subconscious emotions. In hindsight, it was really a mental karmic stigma. If I were to rate my spiritual trajectory, or perhaps my spiritual velocity back then, I was coming to a stop. A dead…
Our Emotional Struggles are really a Mental problem Our Emotions, themselves, are an impersonal thing One of the things that makes change more of a challenge, can be our emotions. We can get into a stuck repetitive cycle with our emotions. But the emotions themselves are a very natural and indifferent phenomenon. You could think of getting stuck in emotional re-actions, like yelling the same phrase into “echo canyon,” expecting to hear something different. When we find a particular emotion getting stirred up, over and over again, we can think that it is the emotions themselves that are creating the problem. But our emotions are a natural response to our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes bumping up against “reality.” A response is caused by something. When there is a response, it is a result of something else. Just like the echo itself is like a response of the “echo canyon,”…