
divine potential


Life in the Fast Brain What is the role of the ego? There are many, many spiritual gurus that think the ego is to be reduced or shrunk to be as small as possible. Some even use the term to kill the ego. But something doesn’t add up with that stance. Sure, indeed, the ego can be the source of so much suffering. The ego can be a significant contributor to our karmic dysfunction. The undisciplined ego is indeed something we would want to heal and teach, if we are wanting to fulfill our true Divine potentials. But riddle me this. If indeed the ego “runs” on the framework of our mind, and we are only using 10% of our mind, then as we activate more and more of our mind, or mental horsepower, then the “engine” our ego is running on becomes much more powerful. Based on the idea…

Breaking into the Open Karma is not a forever thingy There is a factor to karma, that I think goes overlooked. The curious thing is that we have been through, collectively, such huge karmic events. Events that have touched generation after generation. At a very deep level. If you look at war, for example, PTSD can cripple a person. Devastate them. Crush their ability to function in the world at all. Collapse their ability to process emotions. To the point of either wrestling with the horror of their memories, or perhaps, the opposite end of the spectrum of feeling numb. Or when entire countries go through a deep financial depression. Scarring those people for generations to come. My father went through those days, and he was the co-fabricator of my ego, along with my mother. Teaching me how I would end up thinking. If you are walking around on planet…