Where is Your path to Nirvana? Follow the Yellow Brick Road A nuclear ka-boom. Where is your path to the promised land? Where will you find what you are looking for? Where will you be when you “get there?” We all have a “normal” of sorts. Even if it is uncomfortable. Perhaps, within our own normal, we have chronic pain. Or an emotional tempest within us. But if you wipe off the descriptions of what your normal feels like … there is a baseline of sorts. A “density” of sorts. A “viscosity” of sorts. But what about the ka-boom? There is so much power in the nuclear arena. A softball size of nuclear material has a tremendous amount of energy or power. So, imagine with me a bit. When that power is released, it e-x-p-a-n-d-s very rapidly. And then eventually normalizes itself. So, let’s reverse that process. Let’s take a…
Swept Away in the Karmic Current Where did you go? There is a bit of dichotomy when it comes to karma. On one hand, you could easily think of karma as density. Or, perhaps, viscosity. If we think of the density aspect, we could see those who have loaded up their psyche with karma, as having a very dense energy. They are “heavy” with karma and thus it is very difficult to move (change) where they are. Or perhaps, the viscosity aspect could be thought of as standing in an empty swimming pool. Say, perhaps, the goal is to just walk 20 feet. If the pool is empty, it is an effortless success. Then by adding water (karma) up to the waist, well then, the effort is greater. Then again, imagine the water up to your neck. Perhaps much more energy is needed. But then, let’s even change the viscosity,…