
avoiding emotions


Your Freedom and Your Feelings are related. Do You want more Freedom? My life was being pinched off. I felt it but I didn’t know just how much it was metaphorically drowning me. Before I was cracked open, my feelings, or rather my avoidance of certain feelings, was literally pinching my life out of me. My life was getting smaller and smaller. We all have our comfort zones. A way of life that we prefer. I get it. I mean, who doesn’t want what they prefer? Honing a clarity about what we prefer is a very powerful modality of creating the life that you want. Right? The clearer you get about what you prefer, the more your life moves into what you want it to be. But that will only get you so far. And that may be far enough for you. Not my call. When we find our lives…

Moving through Your Karma Karma, like gravity, is impersonal Karma is a curious thing. If we were to try to pin down just what karma is, we might take a look at the mind/ego, and its relationship with emotions. Certainly this is not the totality of how we experience karma, but I would say this is the lion’s share. So many people go through their life and never consider what they are doing, karmically. We can take on habits, often at a very early age, that sets us up for accumulating more and more karma as we go through our life. Patterns that we often pick up from our parents. For myself, I had a very strong habit of avoiding the emotion of anger. So I would subconsciously avoid it at all cost. I believe my health would be considerably worse had I not connected with my subconscious anger, and…

If Consciousness were your Currency How are You spending Your Consciousness? Spending our consciousness. Spending our attention. Each day we wake up and the “spending” begins. But I want to look at the wake, or results, of our spending. Are you creating karma as you go throughout your day? I certainly was, and I had no idea that I was. We are metaphorically “launched” out of our family of origin with ingrained karmic tendencies. We are born, we grow up, and we move out of our family of origin. At least, that’s the idea. ;- ) I had my karmic trajectories or karmic momentum in place before I moved out to create a life of my own. I had karmic habits, that were accumulating karma into my psyche, instilled in me as a child. For example, let’s look at road rage. Where did all that energy, that explosive energy that is…

Your own Personal Jesus Free at last! Jesus doesn’t want to save you. God is not “coming” either. You came here for the human experience. You CAME here of your own free will. You chose to have these experiences. God won’t “grant” you enlightenment. Even if you ask nicely. Well, OK, technically you are enlightened now. There is nothing to be added to you, to your psyche, that will give you enlightenment. The separation of your enlightened consciousness, and your ego, is what makes it seem like you are not enlightened right now. But, again, you chose to get where you are. You chose to load up your psyche with karma, to have this experience of separation. To not only load up your psyche with karma, but to also unload it of its karmic imprinting. Which, if you are reading this blog, is the part of the journey you are on…