Change Your Mind with RJ Spina

October 25, 2023

Please join us and our guest, RJ Spina, for a show on Change Your Mind: Deprogram Your Subconscious Mind, Rewire the Brain, and Balance Your Energy. Expanding on techniques featured in Supercharged Self-Healing, RJ Spina shares new high-frequency metaphysics made simple and practical, helping you finally be free of the stress, doubts, and low energy that block your joy and quality of life. Change Your Mind uses revolutionary teachings to help rewire your subconscious mind and bring balance to your energy.

Through a 14-day journaling exercise, you'll uncover the mental programming already affecting you, and then apply specialized activities to counteract it. Through a series of self-reflective questions, you will discover a simple yet highly powerful energy diagnostic system that quantifiably measures the ROI of your energetic investments (such as people, activities, behaviors, events) that will give you total clarity on what increases or decreases your energetic bank account and therefore your quality of life like never before. RJ guides you every step of the way, providing meditations, mindfulness practices, and more. He demonstrates how to not only meet the real you, but also maintain and express it through numerous activities you can easily integrate into your daily life.

RJ Spina is a metaphysical teacher and healer whose wisdom and guidance have forever transformed the lives of many across the world. He teaches self-healing, self-realization, meditation, manifestation, and self-mastery. These enlightened teachings are the same ones he used to verifiably overcome permanent chest-down paralysis and chronic disease in just 100 days as outlined in his bestselling first book Supercharged Self-Healing. RJ currently lives in Canandaigua NY with his partner Amara and Jack Russell/Chihuahua Sophia. Visit him online at

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