


A Timeless Soul … personified Who do you think you are? What if every time you crashed your car, you got a brand new one? It’s not that I am suggesting you crash … anything. But… There is nothing on this earth that can harm your essence. Ever. You are safe. You are safe. You are safe. But, we don’t identify as our Soul so much. Sure, our ego can die, with our body. But our essence is always safe. The point of this is … how safe are you going to play out your life? I totally get having a fear of death. And a healthy awareness of keeping your “human” (you) safe from harm is a good thing. But, you are living in the most transformational era of, perhaps, all of time. You (your soul) saw this coming and chose to incarnate. To be here now. It was seen as…

How Long Is Your Emotional Rebound Time? Do your emotions stay longer than they’re welcome? Do you remember, early in 2020, when there was a run on toilet paper? Well, you better hurry out and get yourself a yardstick. Because they are not going to make them any longer. ;- ) A measuring stick can be so handy. If there was a measuring stick for our emotional demeanor, a lot of us might find ourselves coming up short. I know I would have, had I been able to measure my emotional skills before the universe cracked me open. The thing was, the most prominent emotional struggles I was having were completely off my radar. They were totally dominating my life, and I had no idea what so ever that I had such emotional problems. If I only had a measuring stick, then I could have discerned that, before the universe…