


The Dawn of a New Age Consciously creating Heaven on Earth The path is clear. Love is the-end game. Well, not really. We are here to create. To co-create with each other. And to co-create with Source consciousness. God/Goddess has made it quite clear that they will not descend from the Heavens and dictate our future to us. Indeed … God/Goddess are taking a hands-off approach. I mean, what else could they do? The design of all-that-is is quite exceptional. Unlimited personifications of Source-consciousness fulfilling their own desires, as the personification of the God/Goddess essence. If you have been to Heaven, you know there is no-thing there. Source consciousness. Non-duality. No dual anything. No here or there. No where or when. No polarity of any kind. No creation of any kind. Infinite potential, without form… What the hell? ??? Enter Duality. Enter form. Enter Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine. Enter YOU. We…

You are the creator incarnate It can seem like we are each experiencing a very human persona. And indeed, this body thing tends to be a very common factor with us humans. But there is a bigger story here. A much bigger story. The human body is the vehicle of choice in this lifetime. However, we were all souls from the beginning of time. And we will continue to be souls. Our “current” bodies represent but a moment of time, in the very long thread of time, on which this human story is playing out. We are being upgraded. Our bodies, and even our DNA, are making a metamorphic transformation. But there is nothing to worry about. The DNA of humanity across the universe is something that has received a lot of intention and attention. For we all have a Divine blueprint within us. The Creator has our best interest…