Radical Acceptance, a Journey from Addiction to Sanity with Martin Lindgren

September 8, 2021

Please join us and our guest, Martin Lindgren, for a show on Radical Acceptance, a Journey from Addiction to Sanity.

Truly and wholly accepting our lives as they are, as we are, the darkest of the dark is the only way to true clarity, freedom and sanity. The true discovery of the freedom that we are lies in being radically honest about our own darkness and addictions, the inner demons we mistake as ourselves and the impulses we think are our healthy boundaries.

Martin Lindgren had spent most of his adult life as an addict. Drugs, sex, alcohol, work, computers. You name it. Until he met the holy wall, and it fell right on top of him. A true teacher came into his life who would be unshakable in her honesty, and time and time again forced him to face his own lies. She never believed him when he tried to say he was broken.

By no longer being able to hide from anything, and no matter how dark or gut-wrenching or shameful it all was, things Martin had blamed the world for his entire life were finally able to be felt. No spiritual euphoric trip, but brutal honesty about everything he was feeling. All the hate, all the shame, all the blame had to be met and acknowledged. There couldn’t be any spiritual bypassing, no avoidance of any kind worked anymore. Just the light of truth saying yes to everything.

Martin says, “I can guarantee there are no drugs in the entire world that compare to the experience of radical acceptance.”

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