Finding Your Soul of Uncertainty with Mark Susnow

July 12, 2017

Please join us and our guest, Mark Susnow, for a show about “Finding Your Soul of Uncertainty: Proven Strategies to Stay Sane in These Uncertain Times.”

More than ever we live in a time of uncertainty.  The edge of uncertainty that each of us feels on a daily basis pervades everything we do, and keeps many of us up late at night. How we come to terms with this uncertainty is our biggest challenge and determines our experience of life.

Mark Susnow, life coach and strategist and thought leader reveals to you his latest insights on change and uncertainty. During the past decade many amazing people have invited him into their lives and shared with him their hopes, their concerns, and their dreams. If there has been a theme underlying their journey and his own, it is the challenge all of us face— to find peace in the midst of uncertainty. His latest book, the Soul of Uncertainty, is considered by many, a fable for our times.

A former trial attorney and musician for many years, he integrates what it takes to be successful in the world with the inner wisdom unfolded to him through years of yoga and meditation.

He is also the author of Dancing on the River: Navigating Life’s Changes and Discover the Leader Within: 10 Keys to Becoming the Leader you Want to Be. He publishes the monthly ezine, Letters on Life, and is the host of the Inspire Possibility radio show and podcast.

To learn more, visit

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