January 9, 2018
Please listen in as Les Jensen is interviewed by Sara Troy & Christina Hill on their Channeling Ascension Show on Self Discovery Radio for a show about Embodying Our Divine Potential.
There is such chaos in our culture today. What is it that will turn the tide of our human story? We have been praying to our gods for centuries, yet the pain and suffering continue.
There IS a Divine plan. There is a path back to Heaven on Earth. But it won't be through a single savior. It has to be chosen by the human aspects of our collective consciousness. Indeed, the free will of the whole of humanity will decide how it all turns out. Your pure authentic desires are the map to living at your highest Divine potentials. Where you are fulfilling the highest path possible for this lifetime right now. You are here to discover the expansive power of your own divinity. Join us as we discuss the Divine potentials of humanity.
Les is an author, visionary, founder of New Human Living, and host of the weekly New Human Living radio show. To learn more visit NewHumanLiving.com and LesJensen.com.