


From a Struggle to a Gift What have you been carrying? So, I have been delving into my family dynamic lately. Focusing on my Father. My dad was a WWII vet that fought in the Pacific Campaign. The emotional demands of intense battle, that impaled him in the theater of war, turned out to be quite the gift for me. But I spent most my life not knowing that. My Father was a very intense man. With fierce resolve, tenacity, focus, determination, courage, etc. These traits, as far as I can tell, were not part of his demeanor before he entered the war. Perhaps you are familiar with the HBO series, “A Band of Brothers”, which followed men who fought in the European Campaign of WWII. The makers of that series then made a similar series, called “The Pacific”, which followed several men as they fought in the Pacific Campaign.…

Creation takes ongoing intention There is a pacing to consciousness. The further we have gone into the darkness or shadow, the more disconnected we become from our power to create. When we chose to go so far into the darkness, we chose to disconnect from our most powerful aspects of ourselves. I mean, really, how can we have a mythology about kings AND peasants, if we were all very powerful? If we all embodied our Divinity, we couldn’t play out these stories that fill the pages of our human history. With that said, we are all on our way back home. We are on our way back to our truth. We are ALL very powerful Divine personas, once we re-embody our own truth. As we come out of our own karmic imprinting, we are reconnecting with our Divine yet personal power. That Divine spark within us now.  As we shed…