Experiencing Revolutionary Wellness with Rochelle McLaughlin

April 26, 2017

Please join us and our guest, Rochelle McLaughlin, for a show about, "Experiencing Revolutionary Wellness." Rochelle is the founder and co-creator of Revolutionary Wellness Talk Radio and publisher of Revolutionary Wellness Magazine.

Feeling revolutionarily well is your birthright yet modern industrialized societal structures often perpetuate dis-ease on many unfortunate levels. Can we steer our own journey toward wellness once again? In our guest Rochelle McLaughlin's experience the answer is a resounding YES, when we become empowered to take our health into our own hands. Why would we want to go through all the trouble? Because the world needs us now more than ever before.

A professor and researcher of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) in the department of occupational therapy at San Jose State University Rochelle’s primary interests, devotions, and passions are in helping humanity embody a radical slowing down, inspiring a collective remembering of our intricate entanglement with the world, awakening a deep honoring and humbling of our human condition, and evoking a revolutionary re-sacralization of every moment of our lives, and from this place co-creating “the more beautiful world we all know in our hearts is possible”.

Rochelle is honored to be given the opportunity to hold the “Revolutionary Wellness” space for innovators, change-agents, edge-workers, and healers of integrity working to articulate and bring to light alternative ‘solutions’ to global crises today.

To learn more visit ExperienceRevolutionaryWellness.com.

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