
new directions


Nothing Personal It is really all up to You! The world, as the world itself, is not personal. Gravity doesn’t care if you dance or fall over. It will still keep at it. Your sentence generator, that “thinker” within you, can have any thought possible. The mechanisms of karma are impersonal too. … then there are the potentials that are all around you. A blank sheet of paper and a pen are impersonal. You can write anything you want. You could write a musical score. You could write a muti-billion dollar contract. You could write the cure for cancer. You could write your first, or your next, novel. The ink and the paper are not personal towards what you want to use them for. The hammer and the nails are impersonal too. You could build … You get the idea. You are not tethered by the world outside of you.…

It is Who You become as You walk Your Path Your Journey has a Purpose, and so do You Perhaps the safest place for a boat is in the harbor. But the value or reason for a boat, is lost … in the harbor. In other words, if the boat never leaves the harbor, why even have the boat. The (metaphorical) “safest” place for you to be is in your home. With the window shades pulled down and the doors all locked. But you didn’t incarnate to just be “safe.” Sure, we all want to be safe, in a general way. But we also feel more alive when we bump up against risk. “It’s only in uncertainty that we’re naked and alive.” ~ Peter Gabriel There has been so much change over the last several years. Many of us would just like the change to settle down. To get back…