


Grow Your Sense of Self We are never completely stuck There are octaves or spectrums of wisdom within you now. Perhaps without end. You always have another moment. Thus, you always have another moment to make a new choice and thus create a new outcome. One of the aspects I have noticed within myself is my soul. Of course my soul has “been here” my whole life. But I, as my ego, didn’t recognize the intelligence or wisdom of my soul until more recently. It is not that I am psychic enough where I “see” my soul and have some kind of mystical interaction with it. But rather, it is that still small voice within me now. Although the still small voice is here if I look/listen for it, the insights it has for me are anything but small. There are no requirements for ourselves. We are given fierce free…

Nobody but You It is all created by You There is a choice that we can make, but for so many, that choice isn’t “available.” For so many people, they tend to live much of their life in a perpetual state of re-acting. Instead of constantly re-acting in the very same way over and over, we can make a new choice and thus a new outcome. But only if we are aware that the choice exists. Reactive patterns tend to base themselves on our emotions. And yet, it is not the emotions themselves that “cause” the re-action. It is the mind. It is a kind of patterning that is often “programmed” into us by our family of origin. In other words, when we are literally creating our ego, growing up as a child, there would be common emotions that perhaps the whole family would posture with. And as a child,…

To meet your Soul where it is A non-linear aspect of You! There are no requirements. The idea of fierce free will is proven. Just look at how far into the “darkness” or “shadow” we have gone. Every manner of pain and suffering are playing out on this planet now. Our souls seem to allow it. Until they don’t. Have you ever had a life-changing event in your life? Where would you be now, if that same event had not happened? Sometimes our soul takes off the metaphorical gloves and rings our bell. In other words, there are countless N.D.E. (Near Death Experience) stories shared online. Or an accident or such has turned your life on its head. It’s not that our souls are uninterested in what we choose, but for the most part, it, the ego, is given carte blanche to think, choose, and act as it wishes. The…

From the Inside Out Karma is always an inside job Have you ever learned something that totally changed how you experience your life? Or perhaps how you approach your “problems” or “lessons?” I am learning just how fortunate I was when my life changed forever. It took me several decades to pick it apart. Picking apart what had happened when my life changed so much. The unraveling of myself, really. I mean, I am still finding a deeper understanding of what that change was that I went through. I have shared many times how the unexpected sudden release of emotions from my psyche was a big turning point in my life. There is no way I would have found it on my own. Not at the level that I did. I never would have known just how much of my life was on a sort of autopilot. Where my ego/mind…

Taking the Soul Perspective There are no mistakes Did you read the fine print? Before you chose to incarnate into this lifetime of yours, did you read the fine print? It can seem like a karmic tsunami gone bad. I mean, there is talk of another world war. There is so much suffering and division. And the karma, so you think, you can metaphorically cut with a knife. What went “wrong?” There is “no” wrong. The thing is, is that Source Consciousness/Prime Creator/God chose to create the realm of duality. To explore. To explore infinite potential. Infinite. Without end. We are never stuck. Not on the Divine scale of time. All things will resolve. All of creation will, eventually, return to Source. Our ego can easily become consumed by the vast amounts of information that we sort through as we go about our day. And the BS that we bump…

Spend it all, then spend some more Love It! If you were to imagine “building” your dream life, I could ask you “what’s your budget?” I mean, we need to live within our means … right? But wait … what if there were a currency that E-X-P-A-N-D-E-D as you spent it? Where the more you spent, the more of it you had? What then? Introducing “LOVE.” Love is the most curious thing. Not only is it the fabric of all that is, but there is always more of it to be had. Love, at first, is not for rookies. Well, yes it is. But what I mean is, if you have held BIG Love at bay your whole life, Love can be quite an intense experience. I remember moments with Love, that brought me to my knees. Overwhelmed by the massive and intense expansion I was feeling in the moment.…

The Villain makes the Hero Had we never left heaven … Was it a mistake to leave Heaven? I mean, really? God, as Unconditional Love, is Heaven itself. In other words, many of us are on a spiritual journey to return to Heaven. But, why did we even leave Heaven in the first place? In the beginning was the Light. The Light of Heaven. The Light of Love. OK. Perfect. Stop right there. Heaven as the vast field of Unconditional Love sounds like, well, it sounds like Heaven to me. Heaven is what we metaphorically left. God, as Consciousness/Love, wanted to know more about its potentials. Wanted to know what it would feel like to have a dualistic experience. Wanted to know what it could be. And it entered duality. The beginning of creation itself. Fast forward billions and billions of years, and here we are. God Consciousness personified as…

Is Life happening by You or to You? Karma can shift your perspective What if … you were born on the other side of the planet? In a completely different household? Who, or perhaps what, would you be now? In other words, how would your personality be different? Perhaps the polar opposite of what it is now. The “who” that you are now was all learned and/or imprinted on you. If you were to think of the metaphorical opposite of who you are now, could you become that now? For example, if you have a chronic disease now, could you become vibrant and healthy? If you are low income now, could you become high income? Can you see what I am getting at here? There is an energy to your upbringing. There is a mental construct to your mental demeanor. There is an emotional conditioning to you now. These things,…

Are you waiting for God to answer you? Ring … Ring … So you have said your prayers. Done! Just waiting for God to answer them now. tick … tock … tick … tock … (The passage of time) Helloooo? Are you there God? I was pretty specific. Where are my answers? Is God like a short order cook? Ask and it is given. Right? More time passes  … What the hell? God???? If God isn’t going to show up the way you might expect her to, then why are you praying? How does this “God” play his cards? Easy math says billions of prayers have been prayed. And yet, there is still considerable suffering on this planet. How does this “God” work? If we are not seeing the results of our prayers … perhaps someone isn’t keeping their side of the agreement. Seems a little fishy to me. ;-…

Nothing Personal It is really all up to You! The world, as the world itself, is not personal. Gravity doesn’t care if you dance or fall over. It will still keep at it. Your sentence generator, that “thinker” within you, can have any thought possible. The mechanisms of karma are impersonal too. … then there are the potentials that are all around you. A blank sheet of paper and a pen are impersonal. You can write anything you want. You could write a musical score. You could write a muti-billion dollar contract. You could write the cure for cancer. You could write your first, or your next, novel. The ink and the paper are not personal towards what you want to use them for. The hammer and the nails are impersonal too. You could build … You get the idea. You are not tethered by the world outside of you.…

Octaves of Wisdom Where are you operating from? How do you make the choices that you make, as you go about your day? It can seem that we are making our decisions based on what is happening outside of us. I want that. I don’t want that. That being that thing or opportunity outside of us. And there is certainly a merit to that. Sure, we are observing “this” and “that” outside of us. The thing is, we are actually basing a lot of wisdom, the wisdom behind our choices, on what is going on inside of us. There is a metaphorical structure to our consciousness. You could think of it as octaves of consciousness. Tiers of wisdom, perhaps. As we load up our psyche, over many lifetimes, including this lifetime, we start to posture. We develop a wisdom, perhaps based in our egos, that decides what we do as…